Never Fear of Failure It Is Always A Lesson And A Step Forward

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Starting a brand new company is not an easy thing to do in most cases. Actually, it’s really tough and exhausting activity. This is why more than 90% of all startups fail in the first years. But this is something normal, rather than something scary. It’s even good and actually, you should never fear failure. Why? Because it’s always a good lesson, a great teacher and experienced provider. This is why we should learn from our mistakes and never give up. We should not look at failure negatively. Most people get demotivated and disturbed by it. They just start to fear it more and this becomes one of the main obstacles in front of their success. This shouldn’t be so… One of the main facts supporting this statement is that even a successful business goes through ups and downs. Do you know anyone who has always been successful? There is no such an entrepreneur that has never experienced disappointment, most of them have failed several times. Many of them constantly fail, but this is how they learn what doesn’t work. Even successful businesses experience failure at some point in time, this is something normal and inevitable. This is just the way thing work. and do you know one of the main differences between those who make it and those who don’t? It’s that successful entrepreneurs react differently to failure. They think of it as a part of the game and they use it to go on and improve. And this is one of the main factors behind their success. This is what you can and should learn now.

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So, if you are feeling a lack of motivation, or you have recently experienced a series of failures, just look at the bigger picture. In the following infographic, you can see some facts that can help you with understanding success. 99,99% of success took time, you should not compare yourself to anyone and you should learn how to fail are some of the most important of them. Here are the rest:

Some Success Facts

An infographic created by the Funders and Founders Institute.

The infographic from above was created by Funders and Founders Institute. If you like it, please share it with friends using the social buttons. This way you are supporting our site and helping us to write many more interesting articles like this.

“Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s a step towards success” – Nelson Mandella

Understanding the fear of failure even more

We all know what it feels like to be afraid of failure. We feel overwhelmed by the pressure of expectations and fear that we won’t measure up. We are convinced that our failures will bring shame, embarrassment, and even humiliation. Fear of failure is a pervasive fear that has the potential to affect us in almost every aspect of our lives, including careers, relationships, finances, and health.

In order to understand why this fear exists so deeply within us, it’s important to understand its origins. We often become hesitant or fearful when presented with challenging tasks because our brains are wired with a “fear instinct” designed to protect us from perceived danger or pain. When we sense the possibility of failure at a task ahead — such as an upcoming job interview — this instinct can cause us to hesitate before diving in headfirst. Additionally, past experiences can create an emotional memory that leads to avoidance when faced with similar tasks in the future — regardless if those experiences ended positively or not! Lastly, factors such as cultural norms (what constitutes success vs failure) and learned helplessness (when one continually fails despite attempts for improvement) can influence how individuals perceive their capacity for success in life endeavors which will ultimately affect how they approach situations involving potential risks or obstacles

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Although feelings associated with fear of failure may be difficult to overcome on your own without help from a professional therapist; there are some techniques you can utilize on your own journey towards conquering it:

1) Acknowledge & Accept Your Fear: Recognize your anxiety around particular tasks and talk yourself through these feelings rather than avoiding them altogether. This helps reduce their power over you so that they don’t prevent you from completing said tasks

2) Set Smaller Goals That Lead Up To Larger Goals: Breaking larger goals into smaller ones makes them much more attainable which may help boost motivation along the way

3) Reframe Failure As A Learning Opportunity: Rather than viewing failures as simply negative experiences; try viewing them as learning opportunities instead! This allows you to recognize what went wrong so you can adjust the course accordingly next time

4) Focus On Process Over Outcome: Focusing too heavily on reaching an outcome rather than enjoying/improving upon the process while working towards said outcome puts immense pressure on yourself! Enjoying/improving upon each step within processes provides satisfaction regardless if ultimate outcomes are achieved or not

Ultimately nobody is immune from experiencing fears around failure, but through self-care measures such as implementing positive thought patterns & reframing perspectives; one’s capacity for engaging effectively with challenging tasks should drastically increase over time!