The success stories and start up business ideas of the most famous entrepreneurs .

How Michael And Xochi Birch Founded BEBO – The History Of

You might know one of the greatest and biggest social networking sites –, but you probably don’t know how it started and turned into the huge world community portal it is now. It has more than 120 000 000 registered users from all around the globe and they are constantly growing. This makes it the 8th biggest social network in the world in 2011 (see top 30 social networking sites). One very interesting and inspiring story… How Was Started Like almost every great business, was started with almost nothing, by an American family – Michael Birch, husband,...

High Interest Savings Accounts

High Interest Savings Account

In the economic environment today, more and more people find themselves in a tough situation, when they have to decide where to invest their savings. Many people lost a significant part of their money, after the economic crisis hit in 2008. Stock markets around the world plummeted, commodity prices dropped and a big deal of wealth was simply wiped out. And the bad news is, that this affected the average person the most. Yes, several banks and big corporations went bankrupt, but the ones who experienced the greatest financial shake were the ordinary people, working 9-5 jobs, paying taxes and...

The dogs of the Dow Strategy

What Is The Dogs Of The Dow Investment Strategy And How To Follow It?

What would you say about an average annual return of 17.7% for the last 45 years? I don’t know about you, but I would say GREAT !!! This would have been the return on your money if you invested using the Dogs Of The Dow trading strategy. It’s an absolutely great return, especially because the overall average annual yield of the Dow Jones Index was 11.8% for the very same period. Not only would you have beaten the market, but also you would have made a fortune. In the pictures below, you can see the growth of an investment of...

investing tips

Compound Interest Calculator – Calculate The Growth Of An Investment Over Time

You can use this simple and at the same time powerful compound interest calculator to see the magic of compounding, as Albert Einstein once said, it’s the 8th miracle of the world. Why is it called this way? If you want to enrich a bit your knowledge on the matter, you can check our cool topic about what compound interest is and how exactly it works. This a very basic article about what compounding is and how the compound interest formula works. We highly recommend checking it out first, especially if this is a new matter to you. Then come...

Mobile Apps Stats

What’s The Best Way To Monetize A Mobile App And Earn Good Money From It?

The mobile application market is booming and the chances for this to change are really small in the near future. More than 1,1 billion devices with Android are projected to be sold this year and this number is expected to grow even more in 2015. As more and more people are going mobile, they are going to need quality mobile apps. And although there are millions of them on Google Play, for instance, the expanding market is thirsty for more. Some of the apps really made it big. Everyone knows about Angry Birds, the mobile game that made its founder...

This is the formula of compounding interest.

What Is Compound Interest And How To Calculate It? The Compound Interest Formula

What compound interest is Compound interest is the foundation of investing. It’s even more important, the whole financial system in our world is based on compound interest. It’s everywhere, and this is why it’s so important to understand exactly what compounding is. Here I will talk about the most commonly used compounding interest formulas in our everyday life and this way I will show you how the 8th miracle of the world works. Everybody knows what interest is. If you have $100 and put it in a bank account for a year at 5%, at the end of the year...

This is the formula of compounding interest.

Monthly Compounding Interest Calculator Online

Since 2008, the economic conditions around the world have become totally unpredictable. I think there is not a big chance for something to change anytime soon. Since then, a question intensively has been arising in my head – “What would be the best way to preserve my family’s savings”. As the person in charge of this, I started to examine many different opportunities. After some time spent in analyzing various investments, I came to the decision, that opening a savings account, might be the best way to preserve wealth. Stocks have been hit really bad and many people were left...

Loan Amortization Calculator – Make A Detailed Repayment Plan For Any Loan And Interest

Loan Amortization Calculator – Make A Detailed Repayment Plan For Any Loan And Interest

Almost every business or individual needs to borrow money from time to time. And this is a completely normal procedure. If you are about to take a small business loan, you should very well plan how you will pay it back. One nice tool, that can help you do this is our online loan amortization calculator here. Using it, you will be able to get a complete idea about how your loan will be going. It will provide you with a simple and understandable repayment plan, which you can use to see how much you would pay for your debt....

The basics of dividend investing.

How To Find The Best Dividend Stocks – 5 Key Things You Must Know

Investing in high dividend-paying stocks is a cool way to put your money to work. Why? Because it has many advantages over its alternatives like bond investing. If you are interested in all of the pros and cons of dividend investing, you can check our article on the matter here, in this post we are going to explain some key and very basic things one should know about dividend-paying stocks. If you are completely new in this field, you’d better check out our reading about the very basics of dividends. The current article is about the basic terms that characterize...