Top 10 Characteristics Of Good Leaders

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Being a good leader is really something tough but it’s also really something that is totally worth it. Leadership is a complex thing, and there are actually many blocks that the mindset of a successful leader is built from. It is described as a process of social influence in which one person can empower the help and support of others in reaching a certain goal or completing a task. A good leader is a person who knows how to motivate people and make them believe in what he/she believes him/herself. A good leader leads, but doesn’t dictate. Being a recognized leader not only helps you achieve amazing things, but it also affects you psychologically. A cocktail of good chemistry is poured into your body and the levels of ‘good’ brain chemicals increase – serotonin (when you get the trust and respect of the people you lead), dopamine, and endorphin (when you accomplish a hard task), oxytocin – when you feel your people close and care about them. As a whole, you feel more confident, happier, and more empowered. You get the feeling of being superhuman, you feel like being able to achieve anything that you may want. You kind of… get high naturally. And the better leader you are, the more you achieve, and the more your body gets from this chemistry. It’s a kind of self-reinforcing cycle that could be even dangerous in some situations. So being a good leader is great and this is the only way to make a sizable impact in the world. But wow can you become one? Well, although many think that leaders are just born this way, I think that almost everything about leadership could be learned. This is also how most of the big brains that study leadership think, too. This means that anyone can improve their leadership skills. There are many schools out there that teach leadership and some of them are very successful. The following infographic was created by Norwich University, where actually you can get a master’s degree in leadership. On it, you can see the top 10 characteristics of good leaders. The information below is based on many years of experience and I think it’s worth getting a look at.

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Top Leadership Qualities

10 Characteristics Of Leaders 10 Characteristics Of Leaders

What do you think about these qualities? Do you agree they are actually the most important ones for being a good leader? I think one very important characteristic is actually missing here. Great leaders also serve. I know that this sounds a lot like an oxymoron, how can one serve and at the same time lead? Well, it’s possible and some even think that it’s one of the most powerful ways to influence. Who wouldn’t follow you if you served them and took care of their well-being?!? This is why serving the interest of the people you lead is one of the most powerful ways to make these people follow you. Another good way is to lead by example, but this is a matter that could make a totally new article I am considering writing.

One of the most important leadership qualities

The most significant strength of great leaders is their ability to inspire others towards improvement either individually or collectively through the power of leadership’s influence. After all, effective leadership alone cannot bridge the gap between where we are now and where our ambition lies; collective effort must be present as well. This encourages involvement by ensuring subordinates feel part of their destiny rather than merely following orders from above which motivates both leader and subordinate alike and drives innovation towards future successes. Ideas are heard openly without any fear-based barriers preventing them from being expressed then once ideas have been generated all participants unite fully believing in its success.

What do you think about all of that? I would love to see your comments, feedback, and opinion… what is your leadership style, and what makes it good?  Please, feel free to drop your thought in a comment below. Also, don’t miss checking out some of the related posts below. You could also share some social love by just using one of our beautiful social buttons on the page. Especially if you liked this nice leadership article.

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Who are some of the greatest leaders in the world?

The concept of great leadership transcends time and geography, encompassing leaders from various fields and eras who have left a significant impact on the world. Here are some of the greatest leaders, each recognized for their unique contributions to society, politics, and humanity:


1. Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)


  • Nonviolent Resistance: Gandhi led India to independence from British rule through his philosophy of nonviolent resistance (Satyagraha).
  • Civil Rights Movements: His methods influenced global civil rights movements, including those led by Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela.

2. Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)


  • End of Apartheid: Mandela played a crucial role in ending apartheid in South Africa and establishing multiracial elections.
  • Reconciliation: As the first black president of South Africa, he worked towards reconciliation between racial groups.

3. Winston Churchill (1874-1965)


  • World War II Leadership: Churchill’s leadership and oratory skills guided Britain through World War II.
  • Political Legacy: He is celebrated for his speeches that bolstered British morale during the war and his role in the post-war rebuilding of Europe.

4. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)


  • Civil Rights Movement: King was a central figure in the American civil rights movement, advocating for racial equality through nonviolent protest.
  • “I Have a Dream” Speech: His speeches, particularly “I Have a Dream,” are among the most powerful in American history.

5. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)


  • Abolition of Slavery: Lincoln’s leadership during the American Civil War led to the preservation of the Union and the abolition of slavery.
  • Gettysburg Address: His speeches and writings, including the Gettysburg Address, have had a lasting impact on American values and democracy.
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6. Mother Teresa (1910-1997)


  • Missionaries of Charity: Founded the Missionaries of Charity, dedicating her life to helping the poorest of the poor.
  • Nobel Peace Prize: Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her humanitarian work.

7. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)


  • New Deal: Implemented the New Deal to help the United States recover from the Great Depression.
  • World War II Leadership: Led the U.S. through the majority of World War II, laying the groundwork for the Allied victory.

8. Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013)


  • British Prime Minister: The first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Thatcher implemented significant economic reforms.
  • Thatcherism: Her policies of deregulation, privatization, and reducing the power of trade unions transformed the British economy.

9. Steve Jobs (1955-2011)


  • Apple Inc.: Co-founder of Apple Inc., Jobs revolutionized the technology industry with products like the iPhone, iPad, and MacBook.
  • Innovation and Design: Known for his focus on design and user experience, Jobs’ vision transformed multiple industries.

10. Angela Merkel (1954-Present)


  • German Chancellor: Merkel has been a pivotal figure in European and global politics, known for her pragmatic leadership.
  • Economic Stability: She has played a crucial role in managing the Eurozone crisis and maintaining economic stability in Germany.

These leaders, through their unique approaches and remarkable contributions, have left indelible marks on history. Their legacies continue to inspire and influence people around the world.

You can also find a lot of interesting information about leadership on Wikipedia. we wish you nice reading there!
