The success stories and start up business ideas of the most famous entrepreneurs .

Google In 1997

Alphabet Inc’s (Google) History – The Start Up Story of Sergey Brin And Larry Page

How Was Started It was a nice, beautiful, and sunny day in 1995 when a young boy named Sergey Brin met for the first time the man, who would later become his business partner – Larry Page. This happened at Standford University and they quickly found that they have many common interests. Sergey had the task to show Larry around, who was a new student there. During their very first meeting, they didn’t stop arguing about every single topic they talked about. They had the opposite opinion on almost everything! Nobody would ever suggest, that these two rumbling guys...

DJ Tiesto

Who is DJ Tiesto? Learn About His Early Life and Career

This is a nice example, maybe even trivial, for a man who made his hobby his work. One of the greatest DJs of our time made 20 million dollars in 2011 and has earned nearly 185 million dollars over the last several years. Knowing nothing about business, DJ Tiesto managed to create a fortune, many businessmen could look only through green glasses. This is proof of the fact, that passion is one of the most important factors for a successful business. DJ Tiesto, whose real name is Tijs Verwest, is one of the most famous DJs in the world, a...

21 tips to get inspired.

How to Be More Creative? 21 Tips To Boost Creativity and Innovation

How to be creative? Get inspired! Heavily inspired… This is one of the greatest ways. Inspiration is the most powerful force in life. People can do miracles when really inspired. There are thousands of examples of this and there will be thousands more. All of the famous and successful people today have gotten what they have because they had been inspired. No matter if you are an artist, an entrepreneur, or anything else. You need to find inspiration to do great things. But how can you do that? Sometimes inspiration disappears like smoke in the wind and it’s really hard...

Google Business Listing - Microsoft

Google Business Listing – What It Is and How To Get One

What Is a Google Business Listing? You may have heard about “Google My Business”?! This is most probably the world’s biggest online catalog, where you can find information about businesses, places, institutions and many other objects from all around the globe. And you would be surprised about how many enterprises miss this nice opportunity to become more popular, not only in their country but also globally. The registration there is absolutely free and the benefit you can get from it could be enormous. Why? Because the people using this free service for finding a company they need, have been growing...

How To Invest In Dow Jones

How To Invest In The Dow Jones Industrial Average Index

If you can’t beat the market – follow it! This is a popular maxim, briefly describing that it’s not so easy to beat the market, but it’s really easy to follow it. As you may know, “The Market” here means the overall performance of all traded shares which is measured by stock indexes, like the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index and S&P500 index for example. So, to follow the market you simply need to invest your money in a market index. But how could you do that? How can we put some money in the Dow 30 and take advantage...

Your New Startup – How to Ensure It’s a Success

OK, so you’ve got a new business idea and are running with it. Good for you. Focus on your goal, and you can achieve whatever you want. But it’s certainly worth heeding some advice to stay afloat early on as there are so many new businesses that do the basics wrong. What happens to those startups? They fail more often than not. Carry on reading for tips to help you land on your feet but first, let’s bring you a couple of examples of very promising businesses that have greatly and unexpectedly failed just because they did it wrong. Smart...

Cans - Red Bull

Red Bull History – How Dietrich Mateschitz and Chaleo Yoovidhya Started Red Bull

Red Bull has been the most popular energy drink for years and this will most probably stay intact for some time ahead. Everybody from all around the world knows about this ‘wings giving’ beverage, because of the powerful and innovative branding campaigns made by the company. A company that bet everything on just one brand and just one product, and eventually hit the big jackpot. And because its story is really cool, we decided to share it here with you. How Red Bull GmbH Was Founded Like many of the greatest companies in the world, Red Bull started really small....

Flickr - Share Your Life in Photos

What Is Flickr’s Story – How Steward Butterfield and Caterina Fake Founded

History The world as we know it… filled with nature’s beauty and our imagination’s view of it. The best way to share the marvelous experience of watching the local marines sail off, waving at the crowds at the port, or the beautiful new bud of your favorite in-house flower is by taking a photo of the vent or item you want to share and post it somewhere for all to see…  or just the ones you want. In the past, there have been many places where one can do this – PhotoBucket, MySpace, or even Facebook, but there is only...

The basics of markets...

How Does The Stock Market Work – For Dummies

Stock markets are one of the greatest inventions of our capitalistic world. They work so simply and at the same time, nobody can predict them. You trade financial instruments there, but at the same time, it’s more of a social ecosystem than you can imagine. Its moves are driven by almost anything that happens to our society – from economic fundamentals to emotions in our brains and future expectations. The market reflects not only the financial world but it is a barometer of our society as a whole. What Is A Stock Or A Share Before taking a look at...

What Is A Stock Market Crash? When Do Market Crashes Happen And How To Predict Them?

A stock market crash is a sharp and unexpected decline of stock market prices for a very short period of time, usually accompanied by the decline of many other assets’ prices. As a result, most of the investors and speculators in the market realize significant capital losses. The losses themselves cause panic and fear among market participants, leading many investors to sell their stocks in a hurry and lock in their losses. This phenomenon is known as “panic selling” and it causes even greater declines in prices as the number of sellers outnumbers the buyers, this deepens the contraction and...