The success stories and start up business ideas of the most famous entrepreneurs .

A roadmap for your business.

What Is A Business Plan? A Simple Definition For Dummies

What is a business plan? Do you know the answer to this question? It seems to be obvious, but when asked, many people actually find it difficult to give an exact definition. This is why we decided to write a short article on the matter. A Simple Definition Actually, it’s a very simple thing: A business plan is simply a statement of business goals, containing some plans and details about how exactly to achieve them. It describes the future plans for your business and is a kind of roadmap showing how exactly you are going to develop your company. That’s...

ComiXology – The Innovative StartUp David Steinberger and John Roberts That Turns A Mobile Phone Into A Comics Library

Comics By ComiXology is a cool and innovative mobile application with which you can make your small, tiny mobile device a big comics library. Awesome, isn’t it?! The app has made a real revolution in reading comic books on tablets and smartphones and has been a really successful startup since its foundation in the year 2007. The ComiXology idea was born in the head of David Steinberger, who co-founded the company (with the same name) with John Roberts, and Peter Jaffe. His inspiration came from his participation in a Start-Up contest, organized by New York University and their business plan won...

Doing online business with nothing

This Is How To Start An Online Business With No Money

David Carter knew only a few things about asbestos but this didn’t stop him to create the site which made him several hundred thousand in just a year. As you may know, asbestos is a dangerous material that was widely used in construction some years ago, and this is why the European Union enacted some laws regulating its use. Just creating a simple site, he opened the door to the world of business. Soon, inquiries started flowing and Carter just took advantage of this. He got certified and started providing asbestos surveys (it’s a legal requirement to have such...

Who Is George Soros? A Short Biography Of The Legendary Investor And Quantum Hedge Fund Manager

One of the most legendary investors of the past century has been George Soros. He turned his hedge fund into a money-making machine by which he has not only been making billions of dollars, but he helped provide funding to needy people around the world. In 2011 he retired from running the Quantum Group of Funds and started paying more attention to his philanthropic activities. A Short History George Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary on the 12th of August, 1930. His family background was Jewish and he was forced to hide his identity during World War II when the...

Ryan Blair

Ryan Blair – How A Gangster Became A Millionaire

This is just another story about how you can get anything you desire if you are fully dedicated to it. This is the story of a bad kid, who becomes a multimillionaire, founding his own company. This is a story about a guy who hasn’t even finished high school, and at the same time, he writes a book that reaches a top place on the best sellers list of the New York Times. Ryan Blair Ryan Blair was born on the 14th of July, 1977, in Southern California. He had a tough childhood, his father was far from the best,...

How To Earn Money Fast With Affiliate Marketing Online – Tips and Ideas

Making money online is one of the best work-from-home jobs ever. It’s one of the greatest ways to earn because it has some amazing, really amazing advantages. What’s one of the best methods you can employ? It’s affiliate marketing and you can see exactly how right here, but first: Let’s go through some of the sweetest advantages of online business 1. No barriers to start – everybody with a computer and Internet can actually start earning online right now, even from her home. 2. Huuuge earning potential – when you work online, your potential customers are around 4.95 billion people...

The Engaging Story Of People Helping People and Patrick Bet-David

Patrick Bet-David didn’t have an easy childhood. He was born in Iran in 1970, during the Iranian revolution. He suffered from war and all the bad consequences it caused. When he was 10 years old, he and his mother escaped from hell, they left Iran and went to Germany where they spent 2 years living in a refugee camp there. When he was 12, they went to the United States and settled there. But his childhood continued to be a tough one. He was not doing well in school, and all the other kids actually avoided him. When he graduated...

What Is A Seed Accelerator? Seed Stage Venture Capital Financing

A startup accelerator also referred to as a seed accelerator, is a form of a business incubator that is chasing profit by usually acquiring a part of a business and then helping the latter to grow. Its main purpose is to help high-potential business ideas with mentoring, office space, know-how, education, and of course seed capital in exchange for a piece of the equity of the new business. The support is for a certain period of time ranging from 3 to 18 months and it is usually provided at the very beginning of a start-up. Business incubators are different from...

How to Start a Small Business Successfully - pic:

Small Business And Start Up Funding Tips And Advice From Successful Entrepreneurs

You have a great startup idea, you believe it’s awesome and that it has huge potential. You know what to do, how to do it. You have made a working prototype and it is working great. You can even smell the profits that are coming… Just a tiny problem stays between you and your success… The lack of finances… Any startup needs to be financed somehow and you should be well prepared when you start searching for cash. Here is a nice clip that can give you some cool tips and advice about startup financing. Below is a video from...

Financing Stages

Funding Stages For Business Financing – Funding Types and Options

Money is the lifeblood of any business. It is the fuel that any company needs at any stage of its existence. No matter how big it is, no matter how many workers are employed, any venture needs financing to stay operational. In this article, we will go through the different stages of financing and see the different ways businesses obtain their money in their life cycle. Funding Stages / Business Financing Stages Seed Funding Stage – this is the very first stage of financing, in which the business may not even be founded yet. This is the money used for...