The Real Truth About Success

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Every single day we see successful people around us. They seem to be so happy, they smile, they obviously enjoy life, they have enough spare time, because of their financial independence… Their lives look so carefree. Most people think of them as they are the ‘lucky ones’. It seems that any of them just got lucky at some point in their life and all the great life they live now is because of some kind of a fluke. Well, often in life things are not what they seem to be… What you see about most of these people is just the tip of the iceberg… The truth about most success is a little bit darker and uglier than most of us think. Most of the successful ones went through years of struggle and sacrifices. All of them know what hard work and dedication are and most of them had many moments of desperation and failure. This is how they finally made it, this story is a common one for almost all of them. Most of the greatest companies today are started this way, here at we have plenty of startup stories to prove that. @sylviaduckworth has created a cool infographic called ‘The Iceberg Illusion’ that very accurately represents the truth about success:

The Iceberg illusion
The real truth about success, by @sylviaduckworth

Don’t get fooled by the top of the iceberg, people! It’s just the top… Like many things in life, what you see (what’s visible) is not always, and even in most cases, what it actually is. So look at what’s below the water in the picture, do all of these things there, and be successful! You can not make it without these items, and you need them to succeed! Cheers!

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Some of the most common struggles that accompany success

Success is an amusing concept, as it is something everyone strives for, yet not everyone is able to achieve it. This can be attributed to the many struggles associated with achieving success. There are a variety of advantages and disadvantages, ranging from financial to emotional. Despite the difficulty, success remains a goal of many individuals, and understanding the struggles that come along with it can help prepare you to succeed.

Financial Struggles

One of the biggest struggles of success is finances. While a successful career may seem like it guarantees financial security, the reality is often more complicated. Pursuing success often means taking risks, such as investing in an untested business idea or taking a pay cut for a higherranking job. These choices may pay off, or they may not. Financial struggles can also appear at the beginning of a successful endeavor, when business owners may find themselves with seemingly impossible amounts of startup capital to raise.

Time Management Struggles

Time is one of the most precious resources, and mastering time management is one of the greatest struggles of success. This challenge often presents itself in the form of balancing work and personal obligations and finding the time to manage both. Mastering time management also involves rewarding yourself with downtime and learning when to take a break, which can be difficult for overachievers.

Professional and Social Struggles

Success may bring promotions and greater job security, but it also often brings a separate set of challenges and struggles. For example, successful individuals may find that their coworkers become jealous or resentful, as they now may have a higher status within the company. Additionally, individuals may find themselves facing increased pressure from family and friends to maintain success, which can contribute to further stress.

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Emotional Struggles

Finally, one of the biggest struggles of success is emotional. Acclaim and recognition from society can be a doubleedged sword, as many individuals fear the potential of failure looming over them each day. Managing expectations, especially from those closest to you, can be an emotionally taxing endeavor; some may also experience feelings of guilt or anxiety.

While the struggles of success can sometimes feel daunting, understanding them can help you to successfully pursue and achieve your goals. By being aware of the potential financial, time management, professional, and emotional struggles you may experience, you can take steps towards ultimately achieving the success you desire.

So if you want to be successful, you’d better prepare for what it is underneath the iceberg… But first, please, consider sharing this post, if you agree with what it contains:). Share some social love with us and help us write many more amazing articles this way!