WordPress Market Share –
Probably every active Internet user has heard about WordPress. If you haven’t, you better check this out. Over the last few years, WordPress has become the most popular CMS in the world. It’s an open-source content management system (the so-called CMS), with which you can quickly and easily build your own website. Its development started 12 years ago, back in 2001 under the name b2 cafelog. Today this platform is the most popular CMS in the world and powers 33% of all sites in the world (2023), around 120+ million. Not only it’s completely free, but also professional, secure, and highly customizable. But one of its main powers is that you can use thousands of different plugins and themes to extend the functionality of your WP site. You can install them online, just with a single click, and most of them are completely free, too. We built our site using this great platform and the feeling is great. Although there are hundreds of other CMSes out there, the second most popular – Joomla, has only 3% of the market share.
Here, on this cool infographic, you can see some cool statistics about WordPress and its main rivals:
Some interesting statistics about the most popular blog platform – WordPress. An infographic by mooveangency.com
What Is WordPress
WordPress is a powerful and popular content management system used by many websites worldwide. It’s a great platform for building websites, blogs, e-commerce stores, and more.
It’s estimated that WordPress is used by approximately 33% of the entire internet (our site also uses it 🙂 ), and it’s easy to see why. WordPress is an open-source platform, meaning anyone can use it for free, tweak it until it fits their exact needs and customize the look and feel of their site. It also has a massive library of plugins and themes, allowing users to easily modify their sites however they like.
The advantages of WordPress are plentiful. For starters, users don’t need any coding or design knowledge to create a basic website, making it accessible to anyone. Additionally, WordPress is SEO friendly – meaning Google loves it – and makes it easy for users to boost their organic search engine rankings with little effort.
In terms of development options, WordPress offers users a number of options to choose from. Developers can create custom themes or even modify existing ones to match their clients’ designs – without having to know HTML or CSS. Additionally, developers can take advantage of the thousands of plugins available to extend functionality beyond the basic core systems offering custom functionality such as online store integration options with Woocommerce or booking systems with Appointingly.
Overall, WordPress stands out as the go-to choice for building amazing websites due to its flexibility, customization options, and cost-effectiveness. It has something for everyone – from those just starting out building small blogs in minutes with drag & drop page builders – all the way up to advanced web developers creating highly customized multi-site applications that can power large-scale web projects like eCommerce stores and social networking tools. All in all, WordPress proves itself as an invaluable platform that continues to prove it’s worth day after day!
The sites using WordPress are projected to increase by 200% by 2015! We think that this is even a conservative estimate. Nowadays, you can even make a free site by going to wordpress.com. It is a limited installation but is good for rookies.
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