Emil Motycka – a Cool Story of a 13 Years Old Entrepreneur

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Starting a Business at 13

What did you do, when you were 13? Playing around with the kids from your neighborhood, going to school, doing your homework… Most probably you didn’t take an $8 000 loan and started your own company :). But this is exactly what Emil Motycka did when he was in the eighth grade. He used the money to buy a lawnmower and start his company called “Motycka Enterprises”.

Motycka Enterprises

The kid was obsessed with the business spirit at a very early age. When he was in first grade, he started selling golf balls which he collected around a place where golf courses were provided. He had cleaned the strayed balls and sold them for a dollar, near his home. So it was not a big surprise for his parents when the kid announced that he wanted to move on and start a company. How did he come to exactly this business idea? Once, his uncle asked him to mow his lawn for $10 then his neighbors asked for the same, and this is how everything started. At 13, Emil found himself with his own company, which helped him make a 6 figure income at the end of his last year in high school.

Lawn mowing business. pic: sxc.hu Lawn mowing business. pic: sxc.hu

Motycka had no business experience, nor did he have an appropriate education… But this didn’t stop him follow his dreams. He has always wanted to do something by himself and just did it. Lawn mowing might not seem to be the most prestigious profession, but for him, this was the path to freedom. Money can be made anywhere, even from some really usual activities that anyone can do. He is pure proof that no education, no skills, and no money are needed to be successful. You just need to do it!

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Today “Motycka Enterprises” is a company employing more than 60 people. They offer many different kinds of garden services, even light installations for the new year and other celebrations.

If you would like to take advantage of his services or just to get in contact with him, you can reach Emil here:





Teenage entrepreneurs

In the modern world, it’s not uncommon to see teenagers boldly taking on the challenge of starting their own businesses. Whether it’s starting a t-shirt line, digital marketing agency, or tech firm, youth entrepreneurs are the up-and-coming business moguls of today.

Not only are these teenagers finding success in the business world, but they’re also inspiring others by proving that anything is possible regardless of your age. In many cases, young entrepreneurs gain invaluable knowledge from experienced business owners who provide them with the necessary mentorship and resources.

The benefits of becoming a successful entrepreneur as a teen are plentiful. It gives youth a greater understanding of the real-world economy, builds confidence, and teaches them how to manage their finances and resources before entering the workforce. It also allows them to pursue their passions and gain invaluable life experience through hands-on learning.

The rise of teen entrepreneurs is no surprise – they have access to more resources than ever before such as crowdfunding pages, tech incubators, and established accelerator programs. Youth can connect with like-minded peers, many of whom share their ambitions, and create a well-rounded support system.