The success stories and start up business ideas of the most famous entrepreneurs .

20 Popular Quotes Of Bill Gates

Bill Gates is one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time. He is one of the founders and owners of the software giant Microsoft. Recently he was the richest person in the world, currently, he is the second in this list with his net worth of $72 billion in 2013. Here you can see some of the most popular and engaging quotes of his:   Quotes On Success * Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…if you do so, you are insulting yourself. * Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose....

Top 15 Business Sites Today

Which are the top business sites on the Internet today? We have prepared a nice list with the top most engaging and valuable business portals on the web nowadays. Here they are:   ( !Yahoo Finance is the most visited business portal in the US. It has more than 37 million unique users every month. It provides financial and business information from all around the world, mainly the US. Here you can find real-time market information like stock quotes and charts from many major financial markets, read the latest business news and do many more cool things like making a...

Tips for biulding confidence.

10 Tips For How To Be More Confident In Yourself And Build Self Esteem

Do You Need To Be More Confident In Yourself? Confidence is extremely important not only for running a successful business but also for living a successful life. Everybody at some point in her life has experienced some kind of lack of confidence, I am sure about that. Do you remember how were you feeling then? Speaking about myself, these were the most unfruitful moments of my life. If you are not confident you are constantly wondering and questioning if something is right or wrong. You become hesitant and feel uncertain about things, you even become more fearful and insecure. You...

Linkedin's Start Up Story

LinkedIn’s Start Up Story – How Reid Hoffman Started The Company (Infographic)

LinkedIn is currently the most successful and progressive business-oriented social media site. Today it’s used by more than 875 million people from 200 countries all around the world and the site has around ~1.5 billion unique visitors every month. It’s the 11th most popular site on the globe according to Alexa’s rankings. But things were not that great and sweet all of the time… Actually, the history of the site is one of those amazing dorm room startup stories that sound more like magic, than a real business. And even though the founder of the company – Reid Hoffman –...

Some cool Google statistics and facts.

Curious facts about Google’s popularity. Here is how popular the most popular search engine is…

Google has been one of the greatest companies of our time. It is the perfect example of how one could create a multi-billion business out of nothing, with only a great idea, passion, and entrepreneurial spirit. More than 190 million people visit the sites of the company every single month and this number has been growing year after year. In the following infographic created by Wishpond, you can see some interesting statistics about the popularity of some Google sites. The information is from March 2013 and shows how big the business of the company really is. For example, they pay...

Starting a Business When You’re Disabled – Elchonon Hellinger –

This is one interesting and very motivating story about a business started from scratch by a guy, whose passion and desire overcame the health problems he has had since he was 2. He didn’t have an easy and careless childhood, which many of us had, but this was not an obstacle for him at all to succeed online. It was not easy at all, but he never gave up, and now his efforts have started paying off big time. This is the story of and its manager and founder – Elchonon Hellinger. He and his brother has proved that...

How to start a business with a small investment.

This Is How to Start a Business With No Money

Starting A Business With No Money Many starting entrepreneurs think that money (or its absence) will be one of the biggest problems at the beginning of their business adventure. In most cases, this is not really so, especially today, in the era of the Internet and online business. The world has changed, money is no longer important for having a successful company! Don’t believe it? Here is the proof. Just think about how many of today’s biggest technology corporations like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Apple, and a ton of other started up in a garage, with no money. Yes, they...

Good or bad to be smart?

Is It Good Or Bad To Have A Higher IQ

Most of the greatest inventors, artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs of all time are super intelligent people, their IQ is usually more than 145. These guys and gals have been shaping our future and our lives. They are the ones, who created our world as it is today. To be really smart could be great, but also it has some big disadvantages, too. In many cases being stupid is the coolest thing, that God may have given to someone. Super intelligent people are predisposed to many bad habits and not cool mental conditions like depression, anxiety, and some illnesses. This below...

When Should You Give Up?

To Continue Trying Or When To Give Up?

How many times should you try to do something, if it is not successful on the first try? Here is an interesting point of view regarding this matter. It probably depends on what you are doing, maybe there is no general rule for every aspect of life? But in most cases when you want something achieved, the answer to the question of when to stop trying is … NEVER! You should never ever give up your dreams and you should reach them or die trying. The only way it’s 100% sure you will not get to where you want to...

Ashley Qualls'

Ashley Qualls – How a Girl at 14 Made a Million Dollars Website –

When she was just 14 years old Ashley Qualls, born in Detroit, launched a site with the idea to publish her personal portfolio of pictures that she was making. The site was started in 2004 under the domain, which derives from “for whatever life you lead”.  Ashley had the humble desire to make a funny and interesting site with “things for anyone and everyone”. Having some knowledge in the field of web design, she began publishing free MySpace layouts and different tutorials helping teenagers with graphic design and programming. Every user with an account on the site also had...