The success stories and start up business ideas of the most famous entrepreneurs .
Making business online has become a sweet and lucrative occupation… And it has been expanding really fast. Internet is one of the greatest things that has ever happened in our development as humans. It has changed the world forever. Our lives has changed, our habits, our thinking and we are different as a whole. And this is only the beginning. Still, less than 35% of the people on the Earth use the web regularly. The growth that is going to come will be huge! Even though, just a third of the population on our planet uses it, Internet is the...
Guerrilla marketing a one of the coolest and the most effective way to market your business. Believe it or not, no guerrillas are involved in this process. These animals have something in common just with the name of this technique, nothing more. So in simple words… Guerrilla marketing is a low-cost strategy based on an innovative, unconventional and creative approach than on big marketing budgets. This means cool and engaging marketing using just a small budget, but a lot of brainpower and innovation. To make it more clear for you, here are some cool examples: 1. This is an advertisement...
Imagine that you could create a folder on your desktop. You could go to work, create a folder with the same name on your office computer and find there the same files you put in the folder at home. You could also access these files of yours via your smartphone, no matter where you are. Well, you can do all of this with a service called Dropbox ( This is a cool way of storing your information, so it’s accessible from anywhere you are, from any device you use. And here is the story about how this great business idea...
One of the riskiest and most consequential decisions that people have to make in life has to do with quitting a regular job and venturing out on their own. The risk is crystal clear. You are walking away from the security of a regular income job to a future of uncertainty and hope to wish for the best. Is there a perfect time to quit? Nada. Nope. Zilch. This is one of the things that you just have to do when you have to do it. Nevertheless, such a decision must not be made rashly. Ask yourself these questions when...
A really big percentage of people wake up every day and what do they do? They go to spend the rest of the day at work. And they find this completely normal for themselves. But have you ever thought about that how much of your life you spend working for others? Every day, day after day, the same thing happens – you go to work, spend there a lot of your time and then come back home to rest for a while, because you have to work the next day, too. But have you ever imagined what exactly part of...
Dropping out of school and making a million or two has nearly become something trivial for young entrepreneurs. You will be amazed by the number of millionaires, who dropped out of college and got rich. Many of them even made billions from their businesses. Below you can read about 10 of the most famous, super-successful college dropouts, who became billionaires. But first, let me share some thoughts on the matter. I am not telling you to quit your education. I think it’s really important and in fact, the millionaires, who earned a degree are more than those, who did not....
The most popular mobile operating system – Android has made a real revolution in the mobile world. Very soon, more than 1 000 000 000 devices will be using this platform. Having in mind, that this is around 1/7 of the population of the planet, this number is really huge. More than 1 500 000 Android devices are activated every single day and this number is growing. If you are already wondering about how this open source project has expanded that much, you can have a look at this infographic showing a brief history of this great software invention. It...
Currently Android is the most popular mobile operating system on Earth. The little green robot has conquered the world in a few years and has almost destroyed many of its rivals. Today, millions of Android devices are activated every single day and there currently are around 1,75 billion devices using Android nowadays (75% of all mobile phones). These are some astonishing numbers, having in mind that the first mobile phone using Android was purchased at the end of 2008. History First, let’s say some words about what Android ( actually is. It’s a Linux-based operating system, especially designed and developed...
You would be surprised about how many ways there are to make a million dollars. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages and if you want to become a millionaire, you should choose the one that suits you the best and stick to it. None of the methods is 100% sure, but what is in life? If you want a million you should learn to take reasonable risks! No risk = no profit. So here is today’s method: Invest $5 every day and employ the Dogs of the Dow investment strategy. Please note, that this method is a long-term...
How to become a millionaire? I believe almost everybody wants to be a millionaire, I guess you would agree. But what exactly a millionaire is? Actually, this is not a very simple question… If you take a $1 000 000 loan are you a millionaire? You have a million, in this case, you have that amount available for spending, but you owe it to the lender, too. So probably no, you’re not a millionaire in this case. A similar situation is if, let’s say Sarah has a house worth a million but she lives there and doesn’t plan to sell...