The success stories and start up business ideas of the most famous entrepreneurs .

Tim Patterson

Fact: Microsoft Bought Their First Operating System MSDOS From Tim Patterson

Did you know, that Microsoft bought the prototype of their first disk operating system  “MS-DOS” from a man working in a small computer company named “Seattle Computer Products”? Tim Patterson, an engineer in this enterprise, had developed the operating system for six weeks, for internal purposes only. He named it QDOS – “Quick and Dirty Operating System”. One day, in 1980, as Tim was sitting in his lab, he was visited by a man named Paul Allen (one of the founders of Microsoft), who offered him $50 000 for his QDOS software. Can you imagine Patterson’s face at that moment? What...

US Minimum Wage Growth - Nominal and Real

How The Minimum Salary in US Changed In History

Did you know, that the minimum hourly wage was 25 cents, when the federal minimum wage law was enacted back in 1938. This was equal to 4 dollars today’s money. Having this in mind, the average minimum hourly earning has increased only twice in real terms and 16 times (to $8) in nominal terms. In 1980, more than 16% of the working population received minimal wage. Today this percentage is under 3%.   You can read some interesting information about wages and labor on the site of the United States Department Of Labor located here

Caleb Bradham, the founder of Pepsi

PepsiCo – the History of Pepsi-Cola and Caleb Bradham

History In 1893, Caleb Bradham created a drink in his home spicing it with kola nuts and the enzyme pepsin. At first, he called it “Brad’s Drink” and this was the first name of Pepsi Cola. It was so delicious that he soon started selling it in his neighborhood. Later, in 1998, this tasty beverage was renamed to Pepsi Cola and this was when the start of this world brand was put. In the first years, Bradham prepared Pepsi in his drugstore, but soon he was not able to supply the increased quantity that people wanted to buy. In 1903...

200 Ranking Factors for 2013 and 2014

200 Search Results Ranking Factors

Online marketing has been growing for many years and it has become a constantly expanding multi-billion industry. Any business must have a presence online, nowadays this can be the difference between failure and success. SEO is one of the most, if not the most important aspect of online marketing. Companies from all around the world spend large budgets every single year for improving their search engine rankings and this is not about to change in the foreseeable future. Typically search engines themselves don’t like their results being manipulated, so they constantly improve their ranking algorithms for excluding nonnatural popularity from...

Cameron Johnson

How To Become An Entrepreneur? 13 Characteristics Of The Successful Ones

Success in business can be achieved in many different ways, but if we look globally at successful entrepreneurs, we can find that they have many things in common. So if you are wondering how to be a successful one, here are 15 of the most common characteristics we believe most of them have: 13 characteristics of entrepreneurs that make it 1. They do what they are passionate about – doing what you like is a kind of guarantee, that you will give the best of yourself. This is the case in which getting bored is less likely because you are...

Entrepreneurship quotes from some of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time.

31 Entrepreneurship Quotes And Advice On Starting A Business

Starting a business is actually not that hard. Making it successful and keeping it this way is a tough task. Actually starting up is one of the easiest steps of the entrepreneurship game. Yes, there are many problems you need to solve before you launch your company – what to do, where to get money from, etc. But these are really easy questions. Then comes the real struggle – running the business successfully. More than 90% of startups don’t make it in the long run just because they get drowned somewhere in the ocean of problems they start sailing in....

Amazing Start Up Stories Of Vimeo, Kiip, InDinero, Soundcloud And Dropbox

Amazing Start Up Stories Of Vimeo, Kiip, InDinero, Soundcloud And Dropbox

They are some of the super bright stars in the world of entrepreneurship. They are young, they are determined, and they are running a startup. I came across this cool movie about the lives of some of the youngest and super successful entrepreneurs. This is actually a documentary video about online entrepreneurs from the old continent and The United States and how they made their business ideas happen. Below you can watch how some of the most innovative Internet startups were launched and how they rose or fell. The clip contains interviews with a dozen of young founders, some of...

The biggest start up crashes

Which Are The Biggest Tech Start-Up Crashes And Failures – Millions Of Dollars Burned

In BusinessIdeasLab we have been writing about some of the greatest and the most successful start-ups in all time. But in the start-up world, things are not going always smoothly, contrariwise, most of the newborn companies actually end up in flames. Different statistics show that more than 45% of start-ups in the United States survive not more than 6 months. In the long run, 3 out of 4 new businesses don’t make it at all… So, to be objective, we consider that we are supposed to write not only about success but also about failure. The latter could be even...

Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC

KFC – The Start Up Story Of Kentucky Fried Chicken and Colonel Sanders

History There are many inspiring stories about young entrepreneurs, who started successful business and made some millions. But if you have missed doing this in your salad days, you should not lose faith. Here is a story about a man in his 60s, who founded one of the most popular companies from all over the world – KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken… Colonel Sanders had not an easy childhood, like many other kids. He learned how severe life can be from a very young age. He started his work career at the age of 12, as a farmer boy, and...

The Story Of Dell Computers

Dell Computers History – The Start-Up Story of Michael Dell

Dell Computers? You might be coming from another planet if you haven’t heard about them. Talking about PCs, they are one of the greatest companies in the world. For more than a quarter of a century, Dell has helped many companies and people to realize their dreams, by delivering quality technology solutions. But how all of this started? Here you will see another great business idea, made happen… History This is one really inspiring business story about a man who started with nothing, and became a billionaire! When saying nothing, I am talking about money, because Michael Dell had all...