The success stories and start up business ideas of the most famous entrepreneurs .
Daymond John is an American businessman, best known as the founder and CEO of the fashion company FUBU. He is also a famous entrepreneur, investor, television personality, author, and motivational speaker. You may have watched it on TV, he participates as an investor on Shark Tank – reality television series on ABC. In this show he and four other business executives (the sharks) get ideas from everyday people, choose profitable projects and give money to their entrepreneurs to start them as a business. Today Daymond John has an estimated net worth of around $250 million and he has been a...
We all know Steve Jobs (Steven Poul Jobs) as the creator and CEO of Apple. The evolution of Apple and the success of its products will be his legacy in the long run, but it is interesting to learn about how he ascended to where he ended up. Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco on February 24, 1955, and is of Syrian and German descent. His biological parents – Abdulfattah Jandali (father) and Joanne Carole Schieble (mother) were still students and couldn’t afford to raise the child. Jobs was adopted soon after his birth and grew up predominately in...
Bill Gates is one of the super successful entrepreneurs of our century, he’s one of the founders of Microsoft, and also one of the biggest owners of shares in the company. He started with nothing and eventually managed to build one of the biggest software companies in the world which are valued at $1.02 TRILLION (2019). Thus, Microsoft became one of the first companies to pass the threshold of 1 billion US dollars of market capitalization. He is not only very rich and successful but also he is smart and a very cool guy whom I admire a lot. While...
Being creative is the most important business quality today. No business can stay competitive for a very long time without being creative. But what is creativity? It happens when something new and valuable is born, a brand new concept, product, service… actually it can be anything else. Innovations, the most powerful economic weapon, are a bright example of creativity. There are countless examples of how innovations have changed business history, you can read about many such examples here on this site. There are hundreds of stories about David and Goliath here, in which a student starts a company in his...
The Confession App Everyone has sins… some have bigger, others have smaller. What else would be a greater business idea than taking advantage of this?!? Just brilliant, isn’t it? Your market would be simply all people from all around the world. Especially those that want to make a confession for their sins. This is what a small innovative company is making great business out of. It was founded by Patrick Leinen and it’s called Little i Apps . It is a small software business, they make mobile apps and one of their products provides a service helping you with the rite...
Back in 2005, Catherine Cook and her 2 years older brother Dave were spending a good time looking through their school yearbook. This was when technology was booming and this is how the idea of creating an online yearbook was born in their heads. They were just high school students, they had no business experience or knowledge. This is why they shared the idea with their older brother Geoff, who was already a successful Internet entrepreneur, and the founder of The kids managed to convince him not only to help them, but also to invest a quarter of a...
Having your own business and being your own boss is absolutely cool, but it’s not easy and usually, you should make some sacrifices. To be honest, ‘some’ is not the right word and ‘many’ would be more appropriate to be used here. because your newborn business, as any newborn, needs your full attention and dedication in order to survive… You need to be a full-time parent to grow a healthy business. And yes, it will probably be hard… How to know whether you are ready or not? Although there is not an easy answer to this simple question, we can...
Facebook and Twitter and a few other big social sharks have been dominating the social world for many, many years now. Big sites have become a part of the everyday life of so many people, that many think it’s impossible for a new player to come to the hood. Big players have established a solid oligopoly that’s nearly unbreakable. I thought so, too, but actually, this turned out to be an illusion. Innovation has always been the greatest fear of titans in business and this is what, a brand new social network, employs to rush to the top. Ello...
Affiliate marketing is one great way to start a business online, no matter if you have or don’t have a product/service to sell. This is a kind of business where you get paid for performance (sales). It is one of the easiest to start, but also one of the most difficult to manage and earn from. Why? It’s easy to start because of the low barriers to starting, there are many people giving it a try here. Practically everyone with a computer and the Internet can start selling online. But this big number of participants also makes this niche highly...
“The Cloud“, “in the cloud” has become very popular words recently and this is not accidental. Have you ever wondered what “moving to the cloud” means … going to paradise, maybe? Yes, probably, but as far as this site stays business oriented, we won’t consider it in this aspect :). OK, let’s move to the matter… cloud computing has nothing to do with angels and paradise, except that, they will probably use it soon, too. Yes, this appears to be the next hot sector of the IT industry in the world. Everything has been moving to the ‘cloud’ for the...