Small Business And Start Up Funding Tips And Advice From Successful Entrepreneurs

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You have a great startup idea, you believe it’s awesome and that it has huge potential. You know what to do, how to do it. You have made a working prototype and it is working great. You can even smell the profits that are coming… Just a tiny problem stays between you and your success… The lack of finances… Any startup needs to be financed somehow and you should be well prepared when you start searching for cash. Here is a nice clip that can give you some cool tips and advice about startup financing.

Below is a video from the Google I/O conference (held in the year 2011), in which you can get some advice on how to get your starting business funded by venture capital companies. In the video, you will see 3 successful entrepreneurs talking about how they built their companies and how they got funded. You will watch the stories of:

Paul Buchheit – one of the founders of the successful startup Friendfeed, now owned by Facebook.

Joe Kraus – is the founder of Excite – a web portal providing various web services like news, e-mail, weather information, messaging services, and some others. Excite was also one of the very first search engines on the web, founded in 1995. Later he founded JotSpot, which was acquired by Google and transformed into Google Sites. Currently, he works as an investment partner at Google Ventures.

Seth Priebatsch – he is the founder of Scavenger ( – a game that uses Google Maps, in which you have to go around and find different things. It’s like a scavenger hunt.

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In the video, you will not only see how these successful entrepreneurs made it but also you will receive some precious experience from them. Finally, you will be better prepared for the process of finding the needed finances for your business. This video was really interesting for me and I hope you like it, too:

Are you looking for startup funding tips to get your business up and running? Having sufficient funds to launch and sustain your business is essential for success. However, raising cash can be difficult, especially for those without the traditional methods of startup capital. Thankfully, there are several creative ways to tap into the resources and networks you need to get your business off the ground. Here are a few of our top startup funding tips.

1. Network With Investors: Put yourself out there and talk to different investors and venture capitalists. Many of these individuals are very happy to help entrepreneurs acquire funding if they believe in a promising business idea. Additionally, reaching out to these investors may give you a better idea of where you can turn for funding.

2. Leverage Your Assets: Do you own a property or have an existing business worth leveraging? If so, consider using those resources to help you get the funding that you need. Equity financing is becoming more and more popular with startup businesses, with many entrepreneurs leveraging their homes or other businesses as collateral against a loan or investment.

3. Consider Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding is a great way to raise money fast and not give up a percentage of your company. With crowdfunding, you can tell your story and explain what you’re looking for in terms of funding, and those who are interested can pledge their support.

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4. Approach Family and Friends: Don’t be afraid to ask for help, especially from those that you trust. Family and friends may be more than willing to invest in your vision, making this a great option for those who don’t have access to more traditional sources of capital.

5. Utilize Grants: There are a variety of grants available for startups, both from the government and private institutions. While they can be competitive, they are also a great way to secure funding.

6. Look For Competitions: There are a number of competitions out there that offer cash prizes and grants that can be used towards your business. Do your research and you may discover one that is right for you.

There are many ways to fund your startup business, but it’s important that you take the time to research them and determine which one is best for you. With these tips, you should be well on your way to landing the funds you need to make your company a success.

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