Venture Capital Financing Statistics In The US

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Venture capital funding is one cool and accessible way of satisfying the hunger for cash of a dynamically growing startup. The company, which main activity is providing help to starting entrepreneurs throughout the fundraising stage, has created this beautiful infographic below, where you can see some interesting statistics about venture capital financing in the US. This information can be of great help because you can get a feel about the basics of this kind of funding.

More than $100 billion was the invested money by venture capital companies during the Dot Com Boom in 1999. On average, this number is around $20 billion per year. 3700 companies get such funding every year, of which only 7% are at their seed stage. California is the leading state by the number of venture capital deals, where around 70% of all VC cash is invested.

These and many other cool facts about venture financing in the USA you can see below:

Venture capital statistics in the United States Venture capital statistics in the United States – image credit:

If you want to know about another cool and unconventional way of fundraising, you can also see our article on crowdfunding.

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