6 Billion Secrets
The site sixbillionsecrets.com is just another great and innovative online business idea. This is a relatively new site, it has been founded in May 2010, but its popularity has been growing rapidly since then.
There are around 7 billion people on Earth and most of them have dreams, hopes, desires, and fears. You will be amazed about how many of them would love to share their emotions with other people… And the good news is that they can do this on sixbillionsecrets.com. The site is a multinational platform, where people can submit their deep dark secrets. Believe it or not, millions of secrets have been submitted for 1,5 years (since the portal was founded) by millions of people from around the globe. More than 2,000 secrets are submitted every single day and they are growing.
“Is this some kind of an oxymoron?”, someone would say… Secrets are to be kept, not to be shared around the world! Yes, I think the same, but the fact is that billions of people from around the globe would just love to share their secrets! This is why the site has millions of users around the world and their number has been constantly growing… This is why this idea is so genius! Who would think about creating a place for sharing secrets, something that’s not supposed to be shared… 🙂
I would have never come to such an idea for an online business if I hadn’t seen the site. I think it’s really innovative and I wish the 6 billion secrets’ team luck and success.
Six Billion Secrets’ Social Activity
– on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sixbillionsecrets
– on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/6BillionSecrets
– on Youtube: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL70F94358E5D16977