Category: How To Invest

This is how your investment grows when compounding...

The Real Secret For Successful Investments – You Will Be Amazed

There are hundreds of investment funds out there and each of them is trying to actually outperform the market. Many of them have fancy words in their names as growth, low risk, high yield, etc. But the truth is that most of them are … gamblers. Yes, they are gambling with other people’s money and at the same time, they are charging decent fees to do this. According to a study tracking the performance of 355 investment funds for 35 years (from 1970 – 2005), just 7 of them managed to beat the market by more than 2%. 9 out...

What Is Forex? Beginners Guide On FX Trading, Strategies, Money Management, Risks, Currency Exchanges

The FOREX (currency) market is the biggest and the most liquid financial market in the world. Its name comes from FOReign EXchange and it’s actually the place where people and institutions from all around the world exchange currencies. It’s so big that more than the worth of $5 000 000 000 000 (5 trillion US dollars) are traded every single day there. This number is huge, having in mind that all the services and goods traded in the United States for a year are around $17 trillion. Just for a little more than 3 days the FOREX market beats the...