The success stories and start up business ideas of the most famous entrepreneurs .

Never Never Ever Give Up! This Is How To Be Successful In Whatever You Do…

Never Never Ever Give Up! This Is How To Be Successful In Whatever You Do…

Rich and successful also cry. Failure is not a rare event even among the greatest entrepreneurs and inventors. What they do differently is that they just try again, without losing motivation. “Never never never give up” Winston Churchill once said in a very famous speech. Persistence is the quality that can make miracles with anyone. Most people simply find it easier to give up something, instead of giving it another shot. But why is this? There might be so many answers to this question. According to me, some of the main reasons are not that many. Many people, for example,...

A picture by Mark Hirschey on

How Warren Buffett Makes So Much Money

Warren Buffet is one of the richest people on Earth (currently the 3rd) with a net worth of $73 billion. He has made a tremendous amount of money in his life. How much do you earn per year? How much do you work for your income? Do you like what you do? If you are not happy with your job and income, here is a simple way you can change this in your favor. I will show you how the greatest investor of our time makes billions of dollars every single year. After you read the following lines, you will...

Jim Wang, a picture from his Twitter profile

How Jim Wang Made $3 Million Online From A Website Because He Was Bored

“I was bored!” Jim Wang said when he was asked how he decided to start the personal finance blog, which he later sold for the sweet round amount of $3 000 000. This is the amazing story of the young entrepreneur who created a super successful financial blog out of thin air because he didn’t have anything else to do… Well, all this didn’t happen without effort. Actually, Jim had developed the site for more than 5 years before his investment of spare time paid off big time. When he was in college, he spent his spare time hanging...

Pierre Omydiar

4 Amazing Startup Success Stories Of Entrepreneurs Who Started With Nothing

You might be amazed, but many big and successful companies were started almost accidentally. Their birth was just a fluke and their founders hadn’t even imagined what they were creating. Sometimes business ideas worth billions of dollars just come out of simple things in life and these entrepreneurs not only caught them but also put them into action and found some of the greatest businesses of all time. Here you can read 4 amazing success stories of ordinary people who ended up as the founders of some of the biggest and most successful companies in the world. The common thing...

The performance of Voya Corporate Leaders Thrust series B compared to major US stock indexes, since 1970.

This Fund Has Kept The Same Shares For The Last 80 Years And Has Totally Beaten The Markets Since Then

Investing is a boring job… You will be amazed about how true these words of Warren Buffett are. Still don’t believe it? Here is the proof, the managers of the Voya Corporate Leaders Thrust haven’t bought any different stocks in their entire life, than those that were selected when the fund was founded. Even more, this fund hasn’t changed its portfolio for the last 80 years. The year 1935 was when the positions of the fund were opened and since then, nothing has changed with them, except their sizes. The thrust has shown really amazing results that have beaten all...

How to Start a Small Business

How to Start Your Own Business And Set Up a Company

Starting a small business is a nice path to freedom, satisfaction, financial independence, and happiness. So, we will do our best to provide you with some nice information on this topic. We believe that by doing this, we can make the world a better place for everyone. Also, this is a nice way for us to learn more about doing business and improve our knowledge. Starting Your Own Business Starting a venture is not the easiest task in the world, but it is not hard, too. You should prepare for a lot of work, sometimes without seeing any quick results,...

Silvester stallone, pic: Wikimedia Commons

The Amazing Story of Silvester Stallone – How The ‘Rocky’ Movie Was Made

Silvester Stallone Certainly, there can’t be a better example of how commitment and fully engaging yourself with what you do than the life of Sylvester Stallone itself. There can be a lot of questions over how he managed to receive about $20 million per role, making him one of the best paid in Hollywood. Was it talent, a lucky coincidence or was it a combination of both? If you’ve ever wondered what made Stallone that special, you would never have guessed, probably, that the reason behind all the charm is an almost deadly mistake by the doctors who delivered him....

The logo of WhatsApp

Jan Koum – From Living On Food Stamps To Becoming A Billionaire

This is one amazing story proving that anything is possible in America. This is the amazing story of Jan Koum, who yesterday closed a $19 billion deal selling WhatsApp to the social networking giant Facebook. Jan, who just a few years ago was hardly making the ends meet, became one of the richest people in the world. He is believed to have around 45% of WhatsApp, which sets his net worth to $6.8 billion. Who Is Jan Koum? Jan Koum was born in a small village in Ukraine on Feb 24, 1976. He was the only child in the family....

A Mad Mimi icon

What Is Mad Mimi’s Start Up Story – An E-mail Marketing Company Started 100% From the Ground

What Is Mad Mimi? Mad Mimi is, as they claim on their site (, “The world’s most sensible, enjoyable email marketing tool.”. It’s an e-mail marketing company that offers services like organizing, executing, and tracking e-mail marketing campaigns. For example, you can register for free, get a ready-to-use code from their site, put it on your site or blog, and … VIOLA! Now you have your own e-mail subscription service for your visitors. As simple as that… Now they will be able to subscribe to your mailing list. Everyone that subscribes by the box on your site gets on your...