The success stories and start up business ideas of the most famous entrepreneurs .
Sometimes in our lives, we need to write a formal letter for something. Once I had to send such a letter and I realized, that I don’t know how to structure it! And that was bad because I had to quickly write it, but I couldn’t find the appropriate information about how to do it! A friend of mine helped me with this situation, and I did well. And now I am creating this post, and I hope it will be helpful for people in a similar situation to mine. Some Basics Here are some simple steps, that will help...
What Are Dividends? Dividends are a great way for companies to distribute their profit among their owners (shareholders). This is a way for shareholders to generate income from the companies they own. A dividend is simply a payment by a company to its shareholders, it’s usually calculated as a certain amount per share (55 cents per share for instance). So everyone who owns shares of a company that pays a dividend will get the per-share amount multiplied by the number of his/her shares. Companies by default are not obliged to pay dividends, their management decides whether or not a dividend...
SOPA is the abbreviation for “Stop Online Piracy Act“. It was introduced on the 26th of October 2011, and since then, it has caused a real storm all over the Internet. Okay, online piracy is bad someone would say, that’s true, but SOPA will not only stop it but most probably this act would kill most of the biggest and cool sites like Wikipedia, Facebook, Reddit, etc and censor your online life. What’s the big deal with SOPA As I just mentioned, I am NOT a supporter of online piracy, but also I do NOT support the SOPA, because it...
I bet that everybody has heard about business models and even many use these words. Many think of them as beautiful sweeties dressed in suits (okay, probably I just do…), others think about handsome guys in suits 🙂 … But most probably very few of you fully understand the real meaning… So, here you will have the chance to go through a simple explanation answering the question: “What is a business model?“. Let’s start with a Definition As I promised to give you a very simple explanation, I would not go through the details here. I want to write a...
Crowdfunding has become a really big thing in business for the last few years. And it is growing enormous! Some guys from one of the leading crowdfunding platforms – Fundable – has created an interesting infographic, on which you can see some astonishing facts and trends regarding crowdfunding. This innovative way of financing startups has really expanded, for the last 5 years its growth is more than 1000%, and by the end of 2014, the total growth will reach 1800%. And this amazing expansion is not really strange, having in mind that the average return on $1 investment in a...
The Mobile Commerce Trends Are Pointing To A Rapid Expansion In Mobile Sales In 2022 And Beyond As mobile phones continue to become increasingly powerful, digital commerce or e–commerce has seen a steady increase in growth. Mobile devices have changed the way we interact with the world around us and have revolutionized how we buy and sell products and services. According to a new report released by the International Data Corporation (IDC), global mobile commerce sales are expected to reach $626 billion by 2020. From increased usage of mobile wallets to the growing popularity of location–based services, here are 10...
In this article, I will explain in simple words the most important dividend dates. If you still don’t know what a dividend is, I strongly recommend reading this article first… Everybody who invests in dividend-paying stock must know what each date means, and how it is used by investors. There are 4 important dates: declaration date, date of record, ex-dividend date, and payment date. Here are some details about each and if you still don’t understand them, you can check out the example below. What These Dates Actually Mean Declaration date – this is when the board of directors declares...
Investing is a cool way to make so much money, that even your wife won’t be able to spend for a lifetime. However, it’s not that easy to be a successful investor, those who made it really big are only a few and a great way to enhance your chances of catching up with them is to learn from their experience. The Internet is full of information about the greatest investors of all time. You can find some cool articles on the matter on this site, by checking our famous investors’ stories section of the site. In this post, you...
There are hundreds of investment funds out there and each of them is trying to actually outperform the market. Many of them have fancy words in their names as growth, low risk, high yield, etc. But the truth is that most of them are … gamblers. Yes, they are gambling with other people’s money and at the same time, they are charging decent fees to do this. According to a study tracking the performance of 355 investment funds for 35 years (from 1970 – 2005), just 7 of them managed to beat the market by more than 2%. 9 out...
The FOREX (currency) market is the biggest and the most liquid financial market in the world. Its name comes from FOReign EXchange and it’s actually the place where people and institutions from all around the world exchange currencies. It’s so big that more than the worth of $5 000 000 000 000 (5 trillion US dollars) are traded every single day there. This number is huge, having in mind that all the services and goods traded in the United States for a year are around $17 trillion. Just for a little more than 3 days the FOREX market beats the...