See why exactly start ups fail.

Why Do Small Businesses And Startups Fail? Top Reasons For Startup Failures To Know And Avoid

Entrepreneurs and their startups make the business world go round. They are the ones who bring innovation, who quickly fill up new market niches, the most agile, responsive to change, adaptable… These are all qualities that big and clumsy corporations lack. So why do small businesses fail then? If they are so efficient shouldn’t they…

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Sam Walton - Walmart

Walmart Stores’ History. How Samuel Walton Started Walmart

Samuel Walton, born in 1918, opened his first discount stores in the 1940s and 1950s in Arkansas. In 1962 Samuel and his brother Bud Walton opened their first Walmart store based in Rogers, Arkansas. A dash was added to the logo in 1964, becoming Walmart. Within seven years they were running eighteen stores in locations…

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7 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Don’t Do

Entrepreneurs are people, who have a certain mindset. If you take two random successful entrepreneurs you will be amazed by how much in common they have in their thinking. They would not only be similar regarding the things they do but also there would be many things they never do. Here is an interesting article…

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Produce energy while running, biking or even walking.

nPower PEG – Generate Electricity While Running

Have you thought about utilizing the energy you burn while running and using it for producing an electricity for example? Well, the guys from Tremont Electric, a small startup in Cleveland, not only have thought about this, they have made it real. Their innovative product is called nPower PEG (PEG – personal electric generator) and…

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