The success stories and start up business ideas of the most famous entrepreneurs .

Gasbuddy shows all stations near me and their prices.

Where Is The Cheapest Gas Near Me? GasBuddy Can Show You The Cheapest Gas Stations Around

Have you heard about GasBuddy? This great business idea was incorporated in Minneapolis, back in 2000, by two guys named Dustin Coupal and Jason Toews. Before launching the company, Dustin was an eye doctor and Jason worked as a computer programmer. Do you remember that around the year 2000, gas prices started to rise? This was how the two entrepreneurs came to the idea of helping people save some money regarding this. Different gas stations offered different prices and there was always a place where filling up your car tank was a sweet bargain. So, the two entrepreneurs decided to...

What Is Godaddy’s Start Up Story? How Bob Parson Founded The Biggest Domain Registrar

GoDaddy ( was founded in 1997 as a web services company by Bob Parsons under the name Jomax Technologies. Three years earlier Parsons sold his financial software company to Intuit for $64 million. In 1999 Jomax changed its name to GoDaddy. The company started in Scottsdale, Arizona, and grew to several facilities operating in Washington DC, California, Colorado, Iowa, and India. Gaining Momentum Parsons created GoDaddy with an emphasis on security and customer support. He invested in high-tech systems to ensure the satisfaction of customers and prevent any abuses of the system. He also added various other services such as...

Ship Your Enemies Glitter – Mathew Carpenter’s Weird Business Idea

The ‘ship your enemies glitter’ is one of those crazy business ideas that many people are wondering what an idiot one should be to do something like this. This is one of those ideas that are not only weird and idiotic, but they are also working! And are working so coolly and smoothly, that nobody can believe their success. When I first read about Mathew Carpenter and his site’s story, I just said to myself WTF?!?! It was built around a simple dummy idea that was turned into a successful business in a matter of days… Ok, so here is...

See why exactly start ups fail.

Why Do Small Businesses And Startups Fail? Top Reasons For Startup Failures To Know And Avoid

Entrepreneurs and their startups make the business world go round. They are the ones who bring innovation, who quickly fill up new market niches, the most agile, responsive to change, adaptable… These are all qualities that big and clumsy corporations lack. So why do small businesses fail then? If they are so efficient shouldn’t they be the ones left standing in the end? Although being small comes with many advantages, it has a lot of disadvantages also – lack of financing, HR resources, all kinds of resources… Starting and running a new company is not an easy task. Some researches...

A History of Ford Motor Company – How Henry Ford Started

Ford Motor Company is one of the biggest American automotive and mobility companies, it’s based in Dearborn, Michigan. It was founded by Henry Ford in 1903 and has grown to become one of the largest automakers in the world, with a global presence across six continents. The company produces cars, trucks, and a variety of other vehicles as well as provides financial services through its subsidiary Ford Motor Credit Company. It is also involved in motorsport activities such as NASCAR racing and Formula One. How the Ford Motor Company was started The Ford Motor Company was started in Detroit by Henry...

44 Inspiring Quotes For Boosting Your Motivation

44 Inspiring Quotes For Boosting Your Motivation

  Inspiration is a key factor not only in business but also in any other aspect of life. If you have inspiration, you have also motivation. In fact, inspiration is pretty much the best motivation, isn’t it? In this sense, we found a cool presentation in which you can find 44 really inspiring quotes from 44 great entrepreneurs, authors, inventors. So, have a look below and get your dose.   44 Inspiring Quotes   Great quotes, aren’t they? If you think so, please, consider sharing this post on some social sites. Thanks for that.

Sam Walton - Walmart

Walmart Stores’ History. How Samuel Walton Started Walmart

Samuel Walton, born in 1918, opened his first discount stores in the 1940s and 1950s in Arkansas. In 1962 Samuel and his brother Bud Walton opened their first Walmart store based in Rogers, Arkansas. A dash was added to the logo in 1964, becoming Walmart. Within seven years they were running eighteen stores in locations including Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma. In 1969 the chain officially became Walmart Stores, Inc. The following year the company issued stock to the public and entered the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. The business model was built on warehouses, where merchandise could be stored....

7 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Don’t Do

7 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Don’t Do

Entrepreneurs are people, who have a certain mindset. If you take two random successful entrepreneurs you will be amazed by how much in common they have in their thinking. They would not only be similar regarding the things they do but also there would be many things they never do. Here is an interesting article on the matter that we found on the Internet. Below you can see 7 things any self-respecting successful entrepreneur doesn’t do. If you want to become such, it would not be enough only to do certain things, you should also stop doing some like these:...

See how marketing affects our brain.

How Marketing Affects Our Brains

Today’s life is full of advertisements. You can see them almost anywhere – at the gym, on the TV, on the Internet… How do you think, do these ads influence your brain? Most people think that ads don’t affect them, but actually, they kind of do. And this happens pretty much unconsciously, this is why you don’t recognize it as affection. Like it or not, people are just animals, we are just a little more evolutionary advanced that the ‘real’ animals. Our brain has been evolving for millions of years and we still have some ‘animal’ mechanisms hardcoded in it....