Category: Social Entrepreneurship - Habbo Hotel

Habbo Hotel’s Startup Story – How Sampo Karjalainen and Aapo Kyrola Started The Site

Habbo Hotel In the early years of the decade, online multiplayer social games were in fashion. Many sites were made, providing an opportunity for children, teenagers and adults to freely communicate with each other through the given interface. Penguins, bears and rabbits, various other animals, and tiny human-like figurines became known as ‘avatars’ and were available for personalization by the users. This is a whole virtual world, where your avatar lives the life you would like. You can do many real-life’s activities there, but the main reason people go to this site is to meet other avatars (people) in this...

Flickr - Share Your Life in Photos

What Is Flickr’s Story – How Steward Butterfield and Caterina Fake Founded

History The world as we know it… filled with nature’s beauty and our imagination’s view of it. The best way to share the marvelous experience of watching the local marines sail off, waving at the crowds at the port, or the beautiful new bud of your favorite in-house flower is by taking a photo of the vent or item you want to share and post it somewhere for all to see…  or just the ones you want. In the past, there have been many places where one can do this – PhotoBucket, MySpace, or even Facebook, but there is only...