How Daniel Kovach Started An Online Business With No Money
This is one amazing story about a man who took advantage of the whites-only scholarship at Boston University, that hit the media a few years ago. He created this discriminant policy into a gold mine and made thousands of dollars online with it. This is a story showing that anyone can start an online business with no money, just by finding a profitable niche. Here is his story…
Back in 2006, some universities still offered scholarships only for whites. Daniel Kovach was one of the guys realizing that this could bring really big traffic to his site –, which actually was really hard for someone to type it, not to mention remembering it. He paid to a writer for some topics on the matter, which revealed that some schools offer scholarships only for “non-black” students. He published the articles on his site and posted some links to the same articles added on Digg, where they soon reached the first page of the big social network. The writings became very popular in no time and this made many other sites to link to Daniel’s posts. This ranked his site with the weird domain name on the first place in search results for the word “white man scholarship”. Big increase in traffic followed, which made his hard to remember site to an online business with a revenue of more than 10 000 $ a month. And the most amazing thing was that he didn’t even have to work for that money, they were just flowing into his account, no matter if he was sleeping, eating or doing something else.
“Hot news” has always been exploited by the media, but nowadays it is possible for everyone to achieve Daniel’s success. Some people just make a website for a certain hot topic, put some ads on it and then forget it and move to another one. Some of the sites even stay profitable for years without any work on them. Also, it has never been easier for someone to make a blog these days, or even a website and publish whatever she wants there.
Now Kovach works for several minutes a day, finding great niches about education which can blow up the visits of his site. He uses google news and several keyword tools to identify the profitable topics on the Internet. To give the searchers what they search for is the golden formula that made him rich and the most important – free.
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