Ello.co – An Innovation In Social Networking by Paul Budnitz and Lucian Fohr 

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Facebook and Twitter and a few other big social sharks have been dominating the social world for many, many years now. Big sites have become a part of the everyday life of so many people, that many think it’s impossible for a new player to come to the hood. Big players have established a solid oligopoly that’s nearly unbreakable. I thought so, too, but actually, this turned out to be an illusion. Innovation has always been the greatest fear of titans in business and this is what Ello.co, a brand new social network, employs to rush to the top.

Ello is a social networking site that announced itself in August 2014. Its founders, Paul Budnitz and Lucian Fohr built the platform because they wanted a social outlet free from advertising, invasive data tracking, and censorship. Ello allows its users to communicate with text, photos, videos, and GIFs and also provides a special content section thats dedicated to art and music. Ello is currently still in its beta version and users can join the network by receiving an invitation from another user.

Ello.co Is Different

Ello is totally ads-free!!!

Ello wouldn’t sell your personal information to advertisers!

Ello won’t steal your work like photos, text, and video.

This simply means that Ello won’t sell you – the visitor – to the advertisers, as most of the other social sites do. They use you to generate revenue and profit and they steal your content. Ello is different because your personal information remains PERSONAL and 100% yours, it won’t be shared, traded or anything else without your permission.


Here is what ELLO says – their manifesto:

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Your social network is owned by advertisers.
Every post you share, every friend you make and every link you follow is tracked, recorded and converted into data. Advertisers buy your data so they can show you more ads. You are the product that’s bought and sold.
We believe there is a better way. We believe in audacity. We believe in beauty, simplicity, and transparency. We believe that the people who make things and the people who use them should be in partnership.
We believe a social network can be a tool for empowerment. Not a tool to deceive, coerce and manipulate — but a place to connect, create and celebrate life.

Ello emphasizes privacy and user control. Member profiles are private by default unless the user chooses to set them to public. All content posted is also private and cannot be seen by anyone outside the users network. The creators of Ello have stated that they seek to provide an alternative to the design flaws of existing commercial networks. Their idea of a social network is one focused on creativity and peaceful coexistence between users. What Features Does Ello Offer? The platform offers a variety of features that are designed to encourage creativity. Users can post photos, videos, GIFs, and text, as well as organize these posts into lists for better organization. Ello also offers a special content section thats dedicated to art and music. Finally, Ello also offers the ability to follow other users and comment on their posts.

Ello.co Is Currently Booming

Ello.co is booming and this is not a surprise to me. Tens of thousands of accounts are created every single hour and this is trending up. You can still sign up only if someone invites you to. Becoming a member is free and I think it’s worth it. Ello was designed to provide a better alternative to existing commercial networks. It emphasizes privacy and user control, as user profiles and content posted are private by default. It also offers a variety of features that are designed to encourage creativity and peaceful coexistence between users. With its growing user base and development of new features, Ello looks to be a great alternative to existing networks.

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Innovation is the most powerful thing in a market economy. There is no protection against it, it’s a devastating weapon. The company has raised 5.5 million from different investors so far. It’s rapidly expanding. Good luck, Ello, watch out Twitter and Facebook!