The success stories and start up business ideas of the most famous entrepreneurs .

Annie Safoian

Annie Safoian Started A 60 Million Company Thanks To Google – SADA Systems’ Story

Annie Safoian immigrated to the USA 30 years ago. It was hard, but she put some tough work, a slice of entrepreneurial spirit and with a pinch of luck to all this she is now living the American dream. She is the co-founder of SADA Systems – a company with expected annual revenue for 2016 of about $65 million. I found her story on !Yahoo finance and thought it would be an amazing read for our audience… And here is her startup story: How Annie Safoian Founded SADA Systems In 1987, a 32-year-old Annie Safoian moved to Los Angeles from...

Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet – A Short Biography Of The Berkshire Hathaway Founder

In 1930 Warren Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska. He is the only son of U.S. Representative Howard Buffett and the second of three children. In 1942 Buffett began his education at the Rose Hill Elementary School in Omaha while at the same time his father was elected to his first term in the US Congress. Buffett and his family moved to Washington D.C. and Warren finished his elementary school there. His Early Days Warren Buffett attended Alice Deal Junior High School and then Woodrow Wilson High School where he graduated in 1947. His father had a brokerage company and...

Jeff Bezos’ Commencement Speech – ‘We are What We Choose’

Jeff Bezos’ Commencement Speech – ‘We are What We Choose’

Jeff Bezos is one of the most famous and successful online entrepreneurs in the world. The founder of the biggest retailer in the US – was invited to Princeton University in 2010 to hold a speech to the graduating students. The latter will stay in history as one of the most influential and inspiring commencement speeches ever. One that all of us should listen to. Bezos graduated from Princeton back in 1986 getting electrical engineering and computer science degrees. The introduction was made by the president of the university Shirley M. Tilghman. To watch some more inspiring speeches, you...

A simple explanation of what branding really is.

What Is Branding And How Does It Work? A Simple Definition For Dummies

What is branding? This word is widely used in everyday life, but the truth about it is that many people don’t really know what it means. Some people think that branding is a logo, a name, or even a slogan, but it’s actually more than a combination of all these. By the way, anyone does branding, no matter if she realizes it or not. It’s the image and ‘the feel’ you build in your customers while doing business with them. It’s a very broad thing, including everything that you want to do, or just do unintentionally, in order to effectively...

How To Incorporate A Business In The USA? Pros And Cons Of Different Legal Forms

In the life of an entrepreneur, one day comes the moment for incorporating his/her activities. And then usually comes the question ‘How the heck do I do that?’ or ‘How to incorporate a business?’. What type of company would you use if you needed to do that? Would you form a C Corp or you would choose a sole proprietorship? Maybe founding a limited liabilities company (LLC)? What are the differences between all of these what would be the most appropriate for you? Someone may say: Damn, isn’t it enough that more than 90% of starting entrepreneurs fail, but now...

5 Things Vital For The Success Of Any Start Up According To Richard Branson

5 Things Vital For The Success Of Any Start Up According To Richard Branson

Richard Branson is a well-known entrepreneur from all around the world. But he is not just an entrepreneur, he is a serial entrepreneur. Branson has started hundreds of successful companies, most of which are still operational today. He has not only made billions of dollars this way but also he has acquired an enormous amount of experience. In the video below he shares a little bit of it. There you can see the 5 most important things for the success of any starting company. Enough words, here is the video on the matter: 5 Vital Things For Start-Up Success More...

World wealth distribution statistics.

World Wealth Distribution And Income Inequality In The World

The total wealth in the world at the beginning of 2013 was around $223 trillion. It has increased almost twice from $113 trillion in the year 2000. Here is an interesting infographic, showing some facts about world wealth. The most obvious thing you can see here is the inequality of its distribution among people. Did you know, that just 0.1% of all people own around 80% of all financial wealth? Around a quarter of the world’s wealth is located in the United States, which makes it the richest country in the world. Most of the millionaires on Earth are located...

Wordpress Market Share 2013

WordPress Market Share –

Probably every active Internet user has heard about WordPress. If you haven’t, you better check this out. Over the last few years, WordPress has become the most popular CMS in the world. It’s an open-source content management system (the so-called CMS), with which you can quickly and easily build your own website. Its development started 12 years ago, back in 2001 under the name b2 cafelog. Today this platform is the most popular CMS in the world and powers 33% of all sites in the world (2023), around 120+ million. Not only it’s completely free, but also professional, secure, and...

The Startup History of Citroen – How one of the most successful European car companies was started

Citroën is a French automobile manufacturer, founded in 1919 by André Citroën. The company has produced an extensive range of vehicles, including cars, vans, trucks, buses, and tractors. Although the brand is now renowned for its luxury cars, it has also had a significant impact on the world of mass production, introducing a number of innovative technologies and production methods. Within a short span of eight years, the company headed to its listing as Europe’s largest automobile company and ranked fourth in the world’s automobile commerce. Citroen is noted for its newest and most innovative technologies in automobile history. The...

The site – The Start-Up Story Of Mark Andreessen and Gina Bianchini

Social networking has been exploding over the last several years. This is how simple ideas like Facebook and Twitter were transformed into multi-billion companies, used by people from all around the world. Many people noticed their incredible success and followed the social trend. Some of them managed to gain popularity even after the big names has already conquered the market. They focused on certain niches like picture sharing, video sharing, etc. Even some teenage entrepreneurs managed to grasp a piece of the tasty social pie. One of them, Ashley Qualls was only 14 years old, when she started her social...