Tagged: World Wealth Distribution

Wealth Inequality changes in the United States in the top 1% by wealth.

Wealth Inequality In America Has Been Getting Stronger For The Last 70 Years

The richest are getting richer and the poorest are getting poorer. Everybody knows about this and many things that this is a flaw in the modern economy, but surprise… this is not something new at all. Things have been so for many many years and this is not going to stop anytime soon. Contrariwise, the inequality has been getting progressively stronger. According to a recent research made by two guys named Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman, not even the top 1% by wealth acquire the most of the income in The United States, it’s the top 0.01 percent of the...

World wealth distribution statistics.

World Wealth Distribution And Income Inequality In The World

The total wealth in the world at the beginning of 2013 was around $223 trillion. It has increased almost twice from $113 trillion in the year 2000. Here is an interesting infographic, showing some facts about world wealth. The most obvious thing you can see here is the inequality of its distribution among people. Did you know, that just 0.1% of all people own around 80% of all financial wealth? Around a quarter of the world’s wealth is located in the United States, which makes it the richest country in the world. Most of the millionaires on Earth are located...