Category: Writing a Business Plan

Some tip on how to write a business plan

How to Write a Good Business Plan

10 Tips on How to Create a Business Plan That Rocks

Although I think that having a business plan is not the most important thing for a startup, I consider that it’s a really good idea to have one. When you sit down and start writing one, you will be amazed about how many things are not really clear regarding your business. This would be a good way to address these issues and make some optimizations. Also, it would be almost impossible to get start-up financing or a business loan without such a document. How to begin with your business plan Writing a great business plan, therefore, is a critical step...

A Simple Business Plan Template To Help You Create Your Own Plan

A Simple Business Plan Template To Help You Create Your Own Plan

Having a nice business plan is crucial to your business’ success. There is a popular saying ‘If you don’t plan, you plan to fail.’ Not only a business plan will help you understand your business, but it can help you find some mistakes you’ve made and made improvements in your operations. Also, there is no bank or a financial institution that will finance your venture without this plan. Writing in details about your business also will help you make the things clearer for you, revealing issues you haven’t thought about. Here is a simple tutorial about how to write such...

Tips on making a good business plan

How to Make a Business Plan? 10 Crucial Tips To Help You Out

Making a good business plan is essential for having a successful business, especially when you are starting up. You just need one, even the though it’s not the perfect or the most professional one. It’s the resume of your business, it describes how exactly your company makes money, which is crucial information for all of your potential investors and partners. Putting everything about your business model on a paper is something that not only will help you follow it, but also it’s a must if you want to find financing for your idea. Nobody invests in a company without a...

What Is a Business Model? A Simple Definition For Dummies

I bet that everybody has heard about business models and even many use these words. Many think of them as beautiful sweeties dressed in suits (okay, probably I just do…), others think about handsome guys in suits 🙂 … But most probably very few of you fully understand the real meaning… So, here you will have the chance to go through a simple explanation answering the question: “What is a business model?“. Let’s start with a Definition As I promised to give you a very simple explanation, I would not go through the details here. I want to write a...