The success stories and start up business ideas of the most famous entrepreneurs .

Entrepreneurship Quotes – Some Of The Greatest From The Greatest

Entrepreneurship Quotes – Some Of The Greatest From The Greatest

Here are some quotes about entrepreneurship. I hope you like them… Entrepreneurship Quotes * Dame Anita Roddick – English woman entrepreneur, founder of The Body Shop Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking. Running that first shop taught me business is not financial science, it’s about trading – buying and selling.   * Peter Drucker – American writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Also known as the father of modern entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.   * Charles Robert Darwin –...

What futures are, a simple explanation.

What Are Dow Jones Futures? How To Invest In Futures

What Are Dow Jones Futures? Futures are derivative instruments, which means that their value derives from the value of another financial instrument. In this case, the value of a Dow Jones Future contract derives from the value of The Dow Jones Industrial Average Index. In very simple words, a future contract is a negotiated deal between a buyer and a seller, on an exact day in the future. The buyer agrees to buy the contracted amount at a predetermined price and the seller agrees to sell under these conditions. So a Dow Jones Future is a standardized contract in which...

The Funniest Business And Entrepreneurship Quotes By Famous Entrepreneurs

The Funniest Business And Entrepreneurship Quotes By Famous Entrepreneurs

These are some of the funniest and craziest quotes from successful people: * Ted Turner – American entrepreneur, the founder of the news network – CNN My son is now an ‘entrepreneur’. That’s what you’re called when you don’t have a job. * Steve Jobs – one of the founders of Apple Inc Why join the navy if you can be a pirate? * Leslie “Les” Dawson – famous British comedian I used to sell furniture for a living. The trouble was, it was my own. * Oscar Wilde – famous Irish writer Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them...

Motivational Business Quotes

Motivational Business Quotes

Here are some motivational business quotes, from some very successful people! A lot can be learned, just while reading them… Motivational Quotes * Madam C.J. Walker – an African-American entrepreneur, founder of the Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company I had to make my own living and my own opportunity! But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them! * Nolan Bushnell – American entrepreneur, the founder of Atari Inc. The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have...

The Power Of Taking Action – This Is How To Achieve All Of Your Goals

The Power Of Taking Action – This Is How To Achieve All Of Your Goals

There are many cool business sites, where you can read some really cool business advice. You can be drawn into an ocean of recommendations, how-to articles, and how-to-be successful posts. But things in many cases are more simple than it seems. This is how things are in business, too. To be successful, you need to start with the simple things. And what would be so simple and so important about your success? This would be to take action. This is also one of the things you can do nothing without. Without taking action, you become a victim of circumstances. If...

Bradley Whitford’s Speech At The University of Wisconsin in 2004

Bradley Whitford’s Speech At The University of Wisconsin in 2004

We found an interesting speech, in which you can learn some more about the importance of taking action. It is the commencement speech of actor Bradley Whitford, held in 2004 in the University of Wisconsin. It’s a little longer reading, but it’s worth every second you spend on it. Taking action here is the sixth point of his rules for success, but not the sixth by importance. Here you can take advantage of some other and really inspirational thoughts, too. The Commencement Speech Of Bradley Whitford At The University of Wisconsin in 2004 It’s great to be back in my...

Jeff Bezos, The Founder Of Amazon (Wikimedia)

The History Of – How Jeff Bezos Started Up The Company

Amazon – – is a website that even a kid well knows today. Millions of customers, both returning and new visit this online marketplace to find everything they need to buy online. Their mission is to offer any product under the sun, to anyone, anywhere in the world… And they have been doing this really successfully for more than 20 years… Inc. is undoubtedly a pioneer in online retailing. The company offers almost everything – from books, videos, CDs, DVDs, and toys to automotive parts, lab & scientific supplies, power transmission products, and so on. And here in... - Habbo Hotel

Habbo Hotel’s Startup Story – How Sampo Karjalainen and Aapo Kyrola Started The Site

Habbo Hotel In the early years of the decade, online multiplayer social games were in fashion. Many sites were made, providing an opportunity for children, teenagers and adults to freely communicate with each other through the given interface. Penguins, bears and rabbits, various other animals, and tiny human-like figurines became known as ‘avatars’ and were available for personalization by the users. This is a whole virtual world, where your avatar lives the life you would like. You can do many real-life’s activities there, but the main reason people go to this site is to meet other avatars (people) in this...

Windows 1.0

What Is The History of Microsoft Corporation – How Bill Gates and Paul Allen Founded The Company

Early History No matter where you are, no matter who you are, you most probably have heard about Windows. This is the most popular operating system around the globe, sold to billions of individuals, small companies, corporations, you name it… Its developer – Microsoft Corporation is one of the most powerful technology companies of our time. They are really huge – this enterprise is valued at nearly 430 billion US dollars. Can you believe that this thing was started in a garage…? Microsoft, also known as ‘Microcomputer Software‘, was founded in 1975 by two young entrepreneurs – the 19 years...

Real estate investment trusts

What Are Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) And How Do They Work?

Times have changed — what used to be an object of interest only to businessmen and financiers is now open today to a wider audience. Making good financial investments is a necessity. People have different reasons to invest: for financial freedom (making their money work for them), long-term financial goals (college savings, etc.), and retirement. Everybody has different risk tolerance when it comes to investing. Fortunately, there are a lot of options in which people, not just businessmen, can invest. What are real estate investment trusts (REITs)? Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are companies that purchase, manage, and develop real...