Tagged: Big Businesses

Jeff Bezos, The Founder Of Amazon (Wikimedia)

The History Of Amazon.com – How Jeff Bezos Started Up The Company

Amazon – amazon.com – is a website that even a kid well knows today. Millions of customers, both returning and new visit this online marketplace to find everything they need to buy online. Their mission is to offer any product under the sun, to anyone, anywhere in the world… And they have been doing this really successfully for more than 20 years… Amazon.com Inc. is undoubtedly a pioneer in online retailing. The company offers almost everything – from books, videos, CDs, DVDs, and toys to automotive parts, lab & scientific supplies, power transmission products, and so on. And here in...

The Most Important Business Lessons From The CEO of Wells Fargo – Dick Kovacevich

The Most Important Business Lessons From The CEO of Wells Fargo – Dick Kovacevich

If you haven’t heard about Dick Kovacevich, he is an American businessman who served as the chairman and CEO of Wells Fargo from 1998 to 2007. He previously served as president and chief operating officer at Norwest Corporation, prior to their merger with Wells Fargo in 1998. In addition, he has held numerous corporate positions including Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, member of the executive committee for Visa Inc., and director on the board at Aetna Inc., Chevron Corporation, 3M Company, and Oracle Corporation. Dick is most known as the chief executive officer of Wells Fargo –...

Michael Dell photo

A Short Biography of Michael Dell – How He Founded Dell With Just $1000

Everybody knows Michael Dell as the founder of Dell Computers, but did you know that he founded the company with only a $1000 investment? Here is a short story about him with some other cool facts from his biography. Michael Dell was a smart kid. His parents wanted to make a doctor out of him, he even went to a college to study medicine. But this didn’t last for too long, just because he was passionate about computers from a very early age. So passionate, that he obtained and explored his first computing device when he was just 7, it...

Caleb Bradham, the founder of Pepsi

PepsiCo – the History of Pepsi-Cola and Caleb Bradham

History In 1893, Caleb Bradham created a drink in his home spicing it with kola nuts and the enzyme pepsin. At first, he called it “Brad’s Drink” and this was the first name of Pepsi Cola. It was so delicious that he soon started selling it in his neighborhood. Later, in 1998, this tasty beverage was renamed to Pepsi Cola and this was when the start of this world brand was put. In the first years, Bradham prepared Pepsi in his drugstore, but soon he was not able to supply the increased quantity that people wanted to buy. In 1903...

Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC

KFC – The Start Up Story Of Kentucky Fried Chicken and Colonel Sanders

History There are many inspiring stories about young entrepreneurs, who started successful business and made some millions. But if you have missed doing this in your salad days, you should not lose faith. Here is a story about a man in his 60s, who founded one of the most popular companies from all over the world – KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken… Colonel Sanders had not an easy childhood, like many other kids. He learned how severe life can be from a very young age. He started his work career at the age of 12, as a farmer boy, and...