Tagged: Business Infographics

When to seek funding

Small Business Funding Tips And Advice

Some tips when finding financing for your small business… Funding is one of the most crucial things for a start-up. When you are a starting entrepreneur, money is usually scarce and at the same time, it’s so needed for growing the business. But does a start-up really need to seek cash in all circumstances? Actually, funding is not always good and there are bad moments to do that. Sometimes it can even have a negative effect on growth and performance, this is why it’s not always good. Another important question is ‘What to seek funds for?’. There are so many...

200 Ranking Factors for 2013 and 2014

200 Search Results Ranking Factors

Online marketing has been growing for many years and it has become a constantly expanding multi-billion industry. Any business must have a presence online, nowadays this can be the difference between failure and success. SEO is one of the most, if not the most important aspect of online marketing. Companies from all around the world spend large budgets every single year for improving their search engine rankings and this is not about to change in the foreseeable future. Typically search engines themselves don’t like their results being manipulated, so they constantly improve their ranking algorithms for excluding nonnatural popularity from...

The biggest start up crashes

Which Are The Biggest Tech Start-Up Crashes And Failures – Millions Of Dollars Burned

In BusinessIdeasLab we have been writing about some of the greatest and the most successful start-ups in all time. But in the start-up world, things are not going always smoothly, contrariwise, most of the newborn companies actually end up in flames. Different statistics show that more than 45% of start-ups in the United States survive not more than 6 months. In the long run, 3 out of 4 new businesses don’t make it at all… So, to be objective, we consider that we are supposed to write not only about success but also about failure. The latter could be even...

Are you ready to start a business?

Am I ready To Start A Business Test – Algorithmic Test

Having your own business and being your own boss is absolutely cool, but it’s not easy and usually, you should make some sacrifices. To be honest, ‘some’ is not the right word and ‘many’ would be more appropriate to be used here. because your newborn business, as any newborn, needs your full attention and dedication in order to survive… You need to be a full-time parent to grow a healthy business. And yes, it will probably be hard… How to know whether you are ready or not? Although there is not an easy answer to this simple question, we can...

Some start up funding statistics in the United States

This Is How Startups Get Funded – The Most Common Funding Types For A Starting Company

Arranging the needed funds for your startup is a crucial factor for its successful launch. Even though money is not the most important thing, it’s 100% needed when launching a new venture. If you are a starting entrepreneur, you most probably have been thinking about how exactly to find the cash for your starting business. Well, the consulting company Startups.co has created this wonderful infographic, showing some interesting statistics about how startups get mainly financed. Here you can not only see the main options about how to get funding for a startup but also some intriguing statistics about the ways...

Venture capital statistics in the United States

Venture Capital Financing Statistics In The US

Venture capital funding is one cool and accessible way of satisfying the hunger for cash of a dynamically growing startup. The company StartUps.co, which main activity is providing help to starting entrepreneurs throughout the fundraising stage, has created this beautiful infographic below, where you can see some interesting statistics about venture capital financing in the US. This information can be of great help because you can get a feel about the basics of this kind of funding. More than $100 billion was the invested money by venture capital companies during the Dot Com Boom in 1999. On average, this number...

Some of the most important things successful people do.

8 Things All Successful Entrepreneurs Do And How To Become One

While I was browsing around the Internet, I came across another cool infographic, which shows 8 specifics for all successful entrepreneurs things. I think the following tips will be really helpful for any ambitious person and here I am publishing them here. I have read the stories of many self-made millionaires and billionaires, and I can conclude from this experience that the following facts apply really well to successful people. Here they are: 1. Never have a backup plan! 2. Work really hard, greatness comes from effort. 3. Pursue your goals. 4. Don’t try to be one of the herd,...

Linkedin's Start Up Story

LinkedIn’s Start Up Story – How Reid Hoffman Started The Company (Infographic)

LinkedIn is currently the most successful and progressive business-oriented social media site. Today it’s used by more than 875 million people from 200 countries all around the world and the site has around ~1.5 billion unique visitors every month. It’s the 11th most popular site on the globe according to Alexa’s rankings. But things were not that great and sweet all of the time… Actually, the history of the site is one of those amazing dorm room startup stories that sound more like magic, than a real business. And even though the founder of the company – Reid Hoffman –...

Some cool Google statistics and facts.

Curious facts about Google’s popularity. Here is how popular the most popular search engine is…

Google has been one of the greatest companies of our time. It is the perfect example of how one could create a multi-billion business out of nothing, with only a great idea, passion, and entrepreneurial spirit. More than 190 million people visit the sites of the company every single month and this number has been growing year after year. In the following infographic created by Wishpond, you can see some interesting statistics about the popularity of some Google sites. The information is from March 2013 and shows how big the business of the company really is. For example, they pay...

How to start a business with a small investment.

This Is How to Start a Business With No Money

Starting A Business With No Money Many starting entrepreneurs think that money (or its absence) will be one of the biggest problems at the beginning of their business adventure. In most cases, this is not really so, especially today, in the era of the Internet and online business. The world has changed, money is no longer important for having a successful company! Don’t believe it? Here is the proof. Just think about how many of today’s biggest technology corporations like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Apple, and a ton of other started up in a garage, with no money. Yes, they...