Category: Start Up Business Ideas

What Is Cloud Computing

What is cloud computing? Definition, Trends, and Predictions About “The Cloud”

“The Cloud“, “in the cloud” has become very popular words recently and this is not accidental. Have you ever wondered what “moving to the cloud” means … going to paradise, maybe? Yes, probably, but as far as this site stays business oriented, we won’t consider it in this aspect :). OK, let’s move to the matter… cloud computing has nothing to do with angels and paradise, except that, they will probably use it soon, too. Yes, this appears to be the next hot sector of the IT industry in the world. Everything has been moving to the ‘cloud’ for the...

Some start up funding statistics in the United States

This Is How Startups Get Funded – The Most Common Funding Types For A Starting Company

Arranging the needed funds for your startup is a crucial factor for its successful launch. Even though money is not the most important thing, it’s 100% needed when launching a new venture. If you are a starting entrepreneur, you most probably have been thinking about how exactly to find the cash for your starting business. Well, the consulting company has created this wonderful infographic, showing some interesting statistics about how startups get mainly financed. Here you can not only see the main options about how to get funding for a startup but also some intriguing statistics about the ways...

Billy-Bob Teeth Inc.

Jonah White Earned $50 Million By Making People Ugly – The Billy Bob Teeth

Jonah White is a successful and a little weird entrepreneur, one of the founders of  Billy-Bob Teeth Inc. He and his partner Rich Bailey made more than $50 million dollars by actually making people look ugly. This is one of the craziest, and at the same time profitable business ideas I have ever heard of. Their first and most successful product – the billy bob teeth made a revolution in how people smile. The founders claim that their ugly teeth are sold in more than 150 countries from around the world and so far, they have manufactured and sold more...

Earn Online Typing

12 Legitimate Work From Home Jobs That You Can Turn Into Home Based Business

Working from home is the best of both worlds for stay-at-home moms or nursing mothers. You get to determine your rates choose which job to accomplish, increase/decrease your working hours, as well as work around your family life. Moreover, the job will keep you intellectually motivated while giving you a sense of accomplishment. With the advancement of technology, working from home has never been easier. We have rounded up 12 work-from-home jobs and ideas for businesses that are legitimate and can be utilized for earning additional income from home. That does not mean men can’t pursue these ideas, but for...

Movable Type Blog, 2013

What Is Movable Type’s Story – How Ben and Mena Trott Founded Six Apart

You can get rich and very successful even by a complete accident. In fact, many great businesses come to the world totally by fluke. And this is how one of the most popular social publishing platforms – Movable Type was born. It was started by a husband and wife, who created a system with the only ambition to make their own blog and a few years later they were millionaires. Today Movable Type is used by millions of people and by some of the largest companies in the world for their websites. It’s an open-source CMS software for creating sites,...

Ephren Taylor

Ephren Taylor – How a Teenage Entrepreneur Made Several Millions Online

When he was only 12, Ephren Taylor started his first business venture – video game design. He was crazy about games, like most of the kids his age. He started reading “How To Make A Video Game In 21 Days”, by Andre LaMothe, every day after school, and after a few months he had coded his first game – shoot the bad guys trying to outrage the president. Some of his friends and schoolmates were the first market for his product, they bought the first copies at 10 dollars each. Motivated by his profits, Ephren continued to develop. A year...

How to start a business with a small investment.

This Is How to Start a Business With No Money

Starting A Business With No Money Many starting entrepreneurs think that money (or its absence) will be one of the biggest problems at the beginning of their business adventure. In most cases, this is not really so, especially today, in the era of the Internet and online business. The world has changed, money is no longer important for having a successful company! Don’t believe it? Here is the proof. Just think about how many of today’s biggest technology corporations like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Apple, and a ton of other started up in a garage, with no money. Yes, they...

Ashley Qualls'

Ashley Qualls – How a Girl at 14 Made a Million Dollars Website –

When she was just 14 years old Ashley Qualls, born in Detroit, launched a site with the idea to publish her personal portfolio of pictures that she was making. The site was started in 2004 under the domain, which derives from “for whatever life you lead”.  Ashley had the humble desire to make a funny and interesting site with “things for anyone and everyone”. Having some knowledge in the field of web design, she began publishing free MySpace layouts and different tutorials helping teenagers with graphic design and programming. Every user with an account on the site also had...

A site worth a million dollars

How to Make a Million Dollars Fast with a Website

This is one of my favorite stories. It’s so simple, so easy to make, that it seems it can’t be true… But it is! This is a story about how a million dollars idea could be created just in 20 minutes, the story of “Own a Piece of Internet History” is the slogan, under which the site appears in the search results of popular search engines, and its place there is well-deserved. How to make a million dollars fast? Here is how… Once upon a time, there was a British student called Alex Tew, 21, who experienced a shortage...

Cristian Owens Office

Christian Owens – How to Make a Million Dollars at 16

“I won’t stop until I make 100 million pounds.” Christian Owens once said – a teenage boy, entrepreneur, who made his first million when he was just 16 years old. This is an amazing story about a British schoolboy, who now runs a multimillion company. Christian Owens was just 14 when he started his first venture – the site Mac Box Bundle – an online store offering a combination of various Apple applications and utilities available for a short time at a big discount. He also gave 10 percent of the revenue to charity. The young entrepreneur used his pocket...