Tagged: edited2022

Guide To Online Marketing

How to Do Online Marketing? The Best Strategies For Big And Small Businesses – For Dummies

What is online marketing? Online (digital) marketing has become the difference between success and failure in business. You are not totally sure what exactly online marketing is? It’s a combination of all of the tools and techniques that can help you increase your popularity on the Internet. Any company must have an online presence, not only IT stores, everyone. And do you know why? The answer is simply simple! The Internet is a huge sales channel, I mean really huge. And this is not the best thing here… Actually, this channel is going to get really bigger in the next...

21 tips to get inspired.

How to Be More Creative? 21 Tips To Boost Creativity and Innovation

How to be creative? Get inspired! Heavily inspired… This is one of the greatest ways. Inspiration is the most powerful force in life. People can do miracles when really inspired. There are thousands of examples of this and there will be thousands more. All of the famous and successful people today have gotten what they have because they had been inspired. No matter if you are an artist, an entrepreneur, or anything else. You need to find inspiration to do great things. But how can you do that? Sometimes inspiration disappears like smoke in the wind and it’s really hard...

He has a job, too...

10 Reasons For Why You Should Quit Your Job Now

Most people spend (sell) most of their lives working for somebody else, living somebody else’s dream, and making somebody else rich. Most people can’t even imagine life without having a 9-5 job… And you know what? Such a life is just wonderful, I know it from my own experience. And that you will be free is not the only cool thing about working for yourself, there are many other like following your own dreams, living your own life as you want, doing what you believe in, earning what you deserve, and many more… Don’t we have just one life to...

Different business types.

What Company Type Should You Choose For Your Start-Up

You have a great business idea and you are ready to build a business around it. You know how to make a great product or service, but are you wondering what type of company should you register? Should it be an LLC? Or should you choose to start a sole proprietorship? These are some standard questions every starting entrepreneur should ask herself. The right answers may be crucial for the successful future of your business. So, to make the decision easier for you, we found an infographic that will show you all the basics of major business types in the...

Priority Bicycles

Dave Weiner Quit His Job As A CEO To Found Priority Bicycles And Pursue A Childhood Dream

Dave Weiner worked for Cole Systems for more than 9 years. He became a CEO there, but he quit. Why? He just wanted to pursue his childhood dream. Some people might find his decision strange, but I find it awesome. I really admire such people and I wish him the best of luck. Don’t we have just one life to spend it chasing the dream of someone else? Now, Dave is a CEO too, but at his own company called Priority Bicycles (https://www.prioritybicycles.com/). Here is his story of how it is published on their site: Dave Weiner and Priority Bicycles’...

The Name ‘GoDaddy’ Was Chosen As A Joke + 10 Curious Facts About the Company

GoDaddy is one of the largest and most recognized web hosting and domain registration companies in the world. Founded in 1997 by CEO Bob Parsons, GoDaddy has since become the world’s #1 domain registrar. With over 17 million customers and some 70 million domain names under its management, GoDaddy is a clear leader in the web hosting and domain registration industry. If you are interested to read more about how the business was founded, you can check this article on the matter: Godaddy’s Story. Here I will talk about 1+10 interesting facts regarding the company: How Godaddy Got Its Name Bob...

Being creative

How To Be More Creative – 29 Ideas For Becoming A Creative Thinker

Being creative is the most important business quality today. No business can stay competitive for a very long time without being creative. But what is creativity? It happens when something new and valuable is born, a brand new concept, product, service… actually it can be anything else. Innovations, the most powerful economic weapon, are a bright example of creativity. There are countless examples of how innovations have changed business history, you can read about many such examples here on this site. There are hundreds of stories about David and Goliath here, in which a student starts a company in his...

Confession: A Roman Catholic App

The Confession App – Roman Catholic Confession Guide Heping With Rite of Penance

The Confession App Everyone has sins… some have bigger, others have smaller. What else would be a greater business idea than taking advantage of this?!? Just brilliant, isn’t it? Your market would be simply all people from all around the world. Especially those that want to make a confession for their sins. This is what a small innovative company is making great business out of. It was founded by Patrick Leinen and it’s called Little i Apps . It is a small software business, they make mobile apps and one of their products provides a service helping you with the rite...

Are you ready to start a business?

Am I ready To Start A Business Test – Algorithmic Test

Having your own business and being your own boss is absolutely cool, but it’s not easy and usually, you should make some sacrifices. To be honest, ‘some’ is not the right word and ‘many’ would be more appropriate to be used here. because your newborn business, as any newborn, needs your full attention and dedication in order to survive… You need to be a full-time parent to grow a healthy business. And yes, it will probably be hard… How to know whether you are ready or not? Although there is not an easy answer to this simple question, we can...


Ello.co – An Innovation In Social Networking by Paul Budnitz and Lucian Fohr 

Facebook and Twitter and a few other big social sharks have been dominating the social world for many, many years now. Big sites have become a part of the everyday life of so many people, that many think it’s impossible for a new player to come to the hood. Big players have established a solid oligopoly that’s nearly unbreakable. I thought so, too, but actually, this turned out to be an illusion. Innovation has always been the greatest fear of titans in business and this is what Ello.co, a brand new social network, employs to rush to the top. Ello...