Tagged: mobile phones business

Some Mobile Commerce Stats

Mobile Commerce Trends In 2022 and Beyond – Mobile Sales Are Exploding

The Mobile Commerce Trends Are Pointing To A Rapid Expansion In Mobile Sales In 2022 And Beyond As mobile phones continue to become increasingly powerful, digital commerce or e–commerce has seen a steady increase in growth. Mobile devices have changed the way we interact with the world around us and have revolutionized how we buy and sell products and services. According to a new report released by the International Data Corporation (IDC), global mobile commerce sales are expected to reach $626 billion by 2020. From increased usage of mobile wallets to the growing popularity of location–based services, here are 10...

Starting a Business When You’re Disabled – Elchonon Hellinger – thriftycomputer.com

This is one interesting and very motivating story about a business started from scratch by a guy, whose passion and desire overcame the health problems he has had since he was 2. He didn’t have an easy and careless childhood, which many of us had, but this was not an obstacle for him at all to succeed online. It was not easy at all, but he never gave up, and now his efforts have started paying off big time. This is the story of www.thriftycomputer.com and its manager and founder – Elchonon Hellinger. He and his brother has proved that...