Category: Mobile Start Ups

The logo of WhatsApp

How WhatsApp Was Started? The Start-Up Story Of Kan Koum & Brian Acton

This is one of those stories that are a little hard to believe, but it is completely real. A story about a young guy, who came up with a bright idea and cashed it out for $16 billion of dollars. Jan Koum, one of the founders of WhatsApp is now one of the richest people in the world, and he made all this in just a few years. Here is how it all happened… WhatsApp History Jan Koum was born on Feb 24, 1974,  in Kyiv, Ukraine, to a family of Jewish origin. Back in 1992, he and his mom...

Doctor on demand

Your Online Doctor On Demand – The Start Up Gets $3 Million In Seed Funding

Do you need a medical help? Now you can visit an online doctor by using your mobile phone… The last time when I went to visit my doctor, I spent around 2 hours of my precious time, only to get diagnosed with a flue. In many cases, you have to wait for a day, before even arranging an appointment. Probably, waiting is a common and pesky problem for many of us, when visiting a doc. But the guys from American Well saw a great business opportunity in this. Adam Jackson, Pat Basu and Jay McGraw have made a mobile app,...