Category: Uncategorized

Mortgage Amortization Calculator With PMI, Taxes and Insurance

Most of us pay mortgages and all of us that do know what a burden such a loan could be. This is why it’s extremely important to plan thoroughly your payments in the future and try taking into account all potential risks and difficulties you may occur. First of all, you need a detailed look at your mortgage repayment plan. This amazing calculator below can show you in very detail how your loan and payments would look over time. It provides some wonderful charts that will give you a visual idea of the interest payments, principle, and the remaining balance...

Tips for being a good leader

How To Become A Great Leader? The Top Leadership Skills That You Need

Being a great leader is one of the most important things for heading a team or a company. It is crucial for success, even more than money and brains. You may have the most capable and skilled team in the world, but if you are not a good leader, your people just can’t and won’t achieve the best they can. A leader is a conductor, without whom the very complicated business machine can’t function properly. She is the person, who people would love to follow and the person, who would give them wings to chase their full potential. Although there...

How to Start a Small Business Successfully - pic:

How to Start a Business – 8 Things That Will Help You

8 Things About How to Start a Small Business Successfully… Plan your business professionally When starting anew, you need to think over some crucial things. Even if one of them is the financial side of things, that is not the only item you can have well thought of beforehand by doing a good business plan. Even if you don’t need external funding in the very beginning, it is important to have such things mapped out in case you need it. The marketing plan is one of the important elements, too, but the most important thing is to know exactly how...

21 tips to get inspired.

How to Be More Creative? 21 Tips To Boost Creativity and Innovation

How to be creative? Get inspired! Heavily inspired… This is one of the greatest ways. Inspiration is the most powerful force in life. People can do miracles when really inspired. There are thousands of examples of this and there will be thousands more. All of the famous and successful people today have gotten what they have because they had been inspired. No matter if you are an artist, an entrepreneur, or anything else. You need to find inspiration to do great things. But how can you do that? Sometimes inspiration disappears like smoke in the wind and it’s really hard...

Google Business Listing - Microsoft

Google Business Listing – What It Is and How To Get One

What Is a Google Business Listing? You may have heard about “Google My Business”?! This is most probably the world’s biggest online catalog, where you can find information about businesses, places, institutions and many other objects from all around the globe. And you would be surprised about how many enterprises miss this nice opportunity to become more popular, not only in their country but also globally. The registration there is absolutely free and the benefit you can get from it could be enormous. Why? Because the people using this free service for finding a company they need, have been growing...

Cans - Red Bull

Red Bull History – How Dietrich Mateschitz and Chaleo Yoovidhya Started Red Bull

Red Bull has been the most popular energy drink for years and this will most probably stay intact for some time ahead. Everybody from all around the world knows about this ‘wings giving’ beverage, because of the powerful and innovative branding campaigns made by the company. A company that bet everything on just one brand and just one product, and eventually hit the big jackpot. And because its story is really cool, we decided to share it here with you. How Red Bull GmbH Was Founded Like many of the greatest companies in the world, Red Bull started really small....

Flickr - Share Your Life in Photos

What Is Flickr’s Story – How Steward Butterfield and Caterina Fake Founded

History The world as we know it… filled with nature’s beauty and our imagination’s view of it. The best way to share the marvelous experience of watching the local marines sail off, waving at the crowds at the port, or the beautiful new bud of your favorite in-house flower is by taking a photo of the vent or item you want to share and post it somewhere for all to see…  or just the ones you want. In the past, there have been many places where one can do this – PhotoBucket, MySpace, or even Facebook, but there is only...

High Interest Savings Accounts

High Interest Savings Account

In the economic environment today, more and more people find themselves in a tough situation, when they have to decide where to invest their savings. Many people lost a significant part of their money, after the economic crisis hit in 2008. Stock markets around the world plummeted, commodity prices dropped and a big deal of wealth was simply wiped out. And the bad news is, that this affected the average person the most. Yes, several banks and big corporations went bankrupt, but the ones who experienced the greatest financial shake were the ordinary people, working 9-5 jobs, paying taxes and...

Mobile Apps Stats

What’s The Best Way To Monetize A Mobile App And Earn Good Money From It?

The mobile application market is booming and the chances for this to change are really small in the near future. More than 1,1 billion devices with Android are projected to be sold this year and this number is expected to grow even more in 2015. As more and more people are going mobile, they are going to need quality mobile apps. And although there are millions of them on Google Play, for instance, the expanding market is thirsty for more. Some of the apps really made it big. Everyone knows about Angry Birds, the mobile game that made its founder...

This is the formula of compounding interest.

Monthly Compounding Interest Calculator Online

Since 2008, the economic conditions around the world have become totally unpredictable. I think there is not a big chance for something to change anytime soon. Since then, a question intensively has been arising in my head – “What would be the best way to preserve my family’s savings”. As the person in charge of this, I started to examine many different opportunities. After some time spent in analyzing various investments, I came to the decision, that opening a savings account, might be the best way to preserve wealth. Stocks have been hit really bad and many people were left...