Tagged: top internet businesses

Which are the top Internet businesses

Amazon was also started in a garage

5 Big High Tech Businesses Started in a Garage

Did you know that many of the biggest Internet companies today were started in a garage? These multi-billion businesses had barely anything at the beginning, the most important thing for their success turned out to be simply a great business idea. Here are the stories of some of the most popular ‘garage start ups‘: Google The founders of one of the greatest Internet companies – Sergey Brin and Larry Page started the business in a small garage in California. They paid $1 700 monthly for the rent and spent there around 5 months. During that time, they actually created the...

Top Social Networks For 2013

Top Social Networks For 2013

The world of social networks is really dynamic. Last year we published a list of the top 30 social networks for 2012. This post is a continuation of this, and here you can find a table with the most popular social networking sites for 2013. This year, the leader is Facebook again with around 1 000 000 000 (a billion) registered user accounts. The second place is taken by Twitter, climbing one place higher. It’s registered users in 2013 reached half a billion. The third is Google+, which was on the 13th position the previous year. Today the social site...

Movable Type Blog, 2013

What Is Movable Type’s Story – How Ben and Mena Trott Founded Six Apart

You can get rich and very successful even by a complete accident. In fact, many great businesses come to the world totally by fluke. And this is how one of the most popular social publishing platforms – Movable Type was born. It was started by a husband and wife, who created a system with the only ambition to make their own blog and a few years later they were millionaires. Today Movable Type is used by millions of people and by some of the largest companies in the world for their websites. It’s an open-source CMS software for creating sites,...

Some cool Google statistics and facts.

Curious facts about Google’s popularity. Here is how popular the most popular search engine is…

Google has been one of the greatest companies of our time. It is the perfect example of how one could create a multi-billion business out of nothing, with only a great idea, passion, and entrepreneurial spirit. More than 190 million people visit the sites of the company every single month and this number has been growing year after year. In the following infographic created by Wishpond, you can see some interesting statistics about the popularity of some Google sites. The information is from March 2013 and shows how big the business of the company really is. For example, they pay...

The site Ning.com

Ning.com – The Start-Up Story Of Mark Andreessen and Gina Bianchini

Social networking has been exploding over the last several years. This is how simple ideas like Facebook and Twitter were transformed into multi-billion companies, used by people from all around the world. Many people noticed their incredible success and followed the social trend. Some of them managed to gain popularity even after the big names has already conquered the market. They focused on certain niches like picture sharing, video sharing, etc. Even some teenage entrepreneurs managed to grasp a piece of the tasty social pie. One of them, Ashley Qualls was only 14 years old, when she started her social...

Instagram Logo, source: commons.wikimedia.org

Instagram – An Online Business Idea For $1 Billion

In 2012, there was an announcement from Facebook – they were buying Instagram for the price of $1 billion. A company started just a few years ago by two young entrepreneurs, has brought them to the world of super riches. A company that had no revenue, only 13 employees, and completely no profits by the time of the deal… Who would be so insane to pay a billion for such a business?!? Well, actually Instagram had one thing that was far more valuable – potential. And this is what the managers of the biggest social network spotted there. Here is...

The Official Dropbox Logo, 2013

How Dropbox Was Founded – The Start-Up Story Of Drew Houston

Imagine that you could create a folder on your desktop. You could go to work, create a folder with the same name on your office computer and find there the same files you put in the folder at home. You could also access these files of yours via your smartphone, no matter where you are. Well, you can do all of this with a service called Dropbox (www.dropbox.com). This is a cool way of storing your information, so it’s accessible from anywhere you are, from any device you use. And here is the story about how this great business idea...

A Brief History of Android

A Short History of Android – Its Evolution Over The Years

The most popular mobile operating system – Android has made a real revolution in the mobile world. Very soon, more than 1 000 000 000 devices will be using this platform. Having in mind, that this is around 1/7 of the population of the planet, this number is really huge. More than 1 500 000 Android devices are activated every single day and this number is growing. If you are already wondering about how this open source project has expanded that much, you can have a look at this infographic showing a brief history of this great software invention. It...

Android versions distribution in 2013

How The Android OS Was Created – History

Currently Android is the most popular mobile operating system on Earth. The little green robot has conquered the world in a few years and has almost destroyed many of its rivals. Today, millions of Android devices are activated every single day and there currently are around 1,75 billion devices using Android nowadays (75% of all mobile phones). These are some astonishing numbers, having in mind that the first mobile phone using Android was purchased at the end of 2008. History First, let’s say some words about what Android (www.android.com) actually is. It’s a Linux-based operating system, especially designed and developed...

How Mark Pincus Started Zynga – A Story Of A Serial Entrepreneur

Zynga Inc Zinga (zynga.com) is a games-developing company that was incorporated in April 2007 by Mark Pincus, with its main headquarter based in San Francisco, California. Just a few years after it was started, Zynga began generating billions of dollars in revenue from its social games. Originally, the project was named Presidio Media but the name was changed, in July of 2007, in honor of Mark’s dog – an American bulldog “Zynga”. This is also where the dog on the logo of the company derives from. In its humble beginnings, the entire production team included just nine people to run...