How WordPress Was Created – The Startup Story Of The Best Free Blog Platform Today

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What Is WordPress?

A simple, powerful, and elegant solution for writing online – this was the main idea that gave birth to the most popular free blogging platform today – WordPress. It is an open-source content management system (CMS), making the creation of professional websites a kid’s game. Based on the PHP programming language and the MySQL database engine, WordPress is a very powerful tool in the hands of the webmaster. With tens of thousands of different plugins (add-ons) and themes, you can easily create whatever site you may like with this free platform. And this can be done literally for minutes. Its simplicity and functionality have made it the best choice not only for starting webmasters but also for professional ones.

How WordPress was created…

Wordpress Logo, 2012

WordPress Logo, 2012

Back in 2001, a guy named Michel Valdrighi started developing a simple web platform, allowing its users to create a site, on which they can simply post whatever messages they wanted. It was called b2 cafelog and just after two years, around 2 500 different sites used this system. Then two other guys appeared on the horizon – Mike Little and Matt Mullenweg, who liked the platform but wanted to make their version of it. So, they used its code and started building their own content management system. They didn’t know what to call it until a friend of Matt’s – Christine Selleck – suggested the name “WordPress“. So, this was how the first version was born, back in 2003.

In 2004, Movable Type was a leading blogging system, but a change in its licensing terms caused many of its users to switch to WordPress. By that time, version 1.2 was released, in which plugins were introduced. They were small extensions of the main system, allowing users to increase the functionality of their sites. Plugins were installed independently and could be designed to bring whatever functionality was needed. These small pieces of code made a revolution in the further development of WordPress and are one of the components, which should be blamed for its popularity today. They could be easily developed, installed, and used with the main platform, by practically anyone.

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In 2005, version 1.5 was released in which another great feature was developed – WordPress Themes. They made it possible to completely change the look of your WP site with a few clicks, using a pre-made design (theme). In spite of some vulnerabilities of the platform, its users continued to grow very fast. It was simply usable and was meeting the requirements of the broad public.

In 2007, several thousands of different plugins and even more themes had already been developed. And this was only the beginning…

WordPress Today

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems on the web. It is used by millions of people around the world to create websites and blogs. The platform provides an incredible array of features and tools that make it easy to manage and customize websites and blogs.

Today, there are millions of sites using WordPress out there and their number has been constantly growing. After version 2.7, plugins and themes can be downloaded and installed automatically with just a single click, from the administration section of a WordPress site. The platform made it possible for everyone to create a good site without being a programmer, or an Internet guru. You can use this wonderful CMS completely free of charge.

The platform offers themes, plugins, and widgets that enable users to customize their sites’ look, feel, and functionality while allowing them to maintain complete control over the data they hold and manage. For those who want to build more complicated sites, there is an excellent selection of themes and plugins available for purchase.

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WordPress also provides excellent support for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). With proper SEO setup, users can ensure that their site and content have maximum visibility in Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs). Plus, the ability to host blog posts enables businesses to attract new customers through targeted content creation.

Our site: uses a great WordPress platform, too…

WordPress Resources

Grab this CMS here:
Support Forum:
3 000 Free WordPress Themes:
41 000 Free Plugins:

You can use the WordPress CMS with your hosting and domain, but if you don’t have them, you can still build your website by using There you can create a free WP blog in 5 minutes. the platform is hosted there and if you don’t have a domain name, you will be given a WP subdomain like Here is an example site:

Interesting facts about Worpress

WordPress is used by more than 33% of all websites on the web and holds more than 60% of the market share of content management systems. This makes WordPress one of the most popular web content platforms out there and a top choice for many website owners.

Every day, more than 500 new WordPress sites are created, making it a top choice for anyone looking to build an online presence quickly and easily. This means that everyday people are taking advantage of WordPress’s user-friendly interface, a vast array of available plugins, and other advantages.

Each year, more than 60 million downloads occur in relation to WordPress-related products such as themes, plugins, and updates. This shows just how popular WordPress is as users download tons of different products related to the platform every year from various sources such as official websites or third-party marketplaces like ThemeForest or Envato Market.

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The Divi theme from Elegant Themes is one of the most popular themes for WordPress users with its drag-and-drop interface allowing for easy customization. The Divi theme has been downloaded over 18 million times from various sources since its initial release in 2013 making it one of the most downloaded themes ever made for WordPress.

For those looking for a reliable, secure platform to build their website or blog on then WordPress is an excellent option with its powerful feature set, ease of use, and enormous support community making it difficult for anyone not to love this great tool. Whether you are starting out on the web, setting up a blog for fun, or setting up shop online – WordPress is an incredibly efficient way of going about it!

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