Category: Social Media Marketing
Social media sites are still the rising star in the world of Internet marketing. This part of web is still growing and more and more competitors are entering the social game. Today, there are thousands of social sites – some of them are huge, some are smaller and focused, third are just stepping in… and they attract great attention, which is growing every single day. Facebook – the biggest social network was valued at $15 billion in 2007. Amazingly (for me), the company has managed to create $50 billion more value and today (2011) it is worth around $84 billion!...
Facebook’s Startup Story Facebook ( was launched in February 2004 as a social network by Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard classmates. Within five years it surpassed MySpace as the leading social network website. At first, the site was called “The Facebook” and was created for Harvard students to communicate with each other. It was then expanded to other Ivy League universities. The response was strong, so the site expanded membership to more mainstream schools and colleges. From there Zuckerberg opened up the floodgates to the public and the site’s user base grew exponentially. Zuckerberg’s first attempt at a social network...
When a young man with a childhood habit of collecting things like insects and stamps combined his passion for design with engineering skills, Pinterest was born. Ben Silberman along with his friends and colleagues Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp started the development of Pinterest in December 2009, and launched the site in March 2010, as a closed beta. This is not after Ben graduated from Yale in 2003, worked with Google in the sales organization department, and designed many iPhone apps which were never launched. Ben and his friends wanted to create a social platform that will allow people to...
Facebook and Twitter and a few other big social sharks have been dominating the social world for many, many years now. Big sites have become a part of the everyday life of so many people, that many think it’s impossible for a new player to come to the hood. Big players have established a solid oligopoly that’s nearly unbreakable. I thought so, too, but actually, this turned out to be an illusion. Innovation has always been the greatest fear of titans in business and this is what, a brand new social network, employs to rush to the top. Ello...
The world of social networks is really dynamic. Last year we published a list of the top 30 social networks for 2012. This post is a continuation of this, and here you can find a table with the most popular social networking sites for 2013. This year, the leader is Facebook again with around 1 000 000 000 (a billion) registered user accounts. The second place is taken by Twitter, climbing one place higher. It’s registered users in 2013 reached half a billion. The third is Google+, which was on the 13th position the previous year. Today the social site...
What Is Twitter? Twitter is a very popular social network that allows its users to post short messages (known as “tweets”) of up to 280 characters, which can be read by other users. Tweeting means sending messages. Twitter can be used to connect businesses with customers as well as a personal communication tool. The site was founded in the San Francisco Bay Area, like so many big-name websites of the early 21st century. Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has grown to become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world with millions of users from all...
Online marketing has changed the way companies do business nowadays. Today you can buy anything on the Internet – from groceries to a luxury apartment on an exotic island. Businesses invest more and more money into their online presence, seeing the potential of this channel for reaching their customers. And this kind of marketing is still gaining momentum. According to some statistics, just one-third of the population on The Earth use the World Wide Web on a daily basis. So if you haven’t thought about Internet marketing, maybe it is a good time to start. With the boom of smartphones...
What is branding? This word is widely used in everyday life, but the truth about it is that many people don’t really know what it means. Some people think that branding is a logo, a name, or even a slogan, but it’s actually more than a combination of all these. By the way, anyone does branding, no matter if she realizes it or not. It’s the image and ‘the feel’ you build in your customers while doing business with them. It’s a very broad thing, including everything that you want to do, or just do unintentionally, in order to effectively...
Social networking has been exploding over the last several years. This is how simple ideas like Facebook and Twitter were transformed into multi-billion companies, used by people from all around the world. Many people noticed their incredible success and followed the social trend. Some of them managed to gain popularity even after the big names has already conquered the market. They focused on certain niches like picture sharing, video sharing, etc. Even some teenage entrepreneurs managed to grasp a piece of the tasty social pie. One of them, Ashley Qualls was only 14 years old, when she started her social...
Social media has become one of the greatest ways to market a business online. More and more people use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social sites to get more visitors, potential customer, or just a broader audience for their ideas. But I doubt that many of you know exactly when the most effective time to post is. A company called ‘Social Caffeine’ has made a research on the matter and has created a nice infographic, showing the best hours to publish on the most popular social networks. Posting in these time intervals, you will most probably reach maximum potential users....