Category: E-commerce

The most successful e-commerce start up stories


Business with … Beer Bellies – Story

You probably have heard about and their great idea – the beer belly. This is a rubber bag, that can be filled with your favorite drink and worn under clothes. “The Beerbelly brings Freedom to the Beverage!” is the slogan that these products are sold under. Having one, you can drink whatever you want, wherever you want, and whenever you like. No matter whether you are watching movies, you are on a plane, or even at the university on a lecture… It’s a crazy idea, isn’t it…? Here is how it was born: The Beer Belly was developed by...

A Business Idea From Santa

The Startup For Santa Claus Mails – SantaMail And Byron Reese

A mail from Santa… Think about the days when you were a kid. If you grew up in a Christian family, one of the greatest joys you might remember from your childhood would probably be Christmas and of course, Santa Claus. Kids just love Christmas, that’s a wonderful time of the year for them because of the family evenings, the presents they receive, end the positive emotion as a whole. And they truly believe in the little dwarfs that prepare the presents and in Santa, who gives them to the boys and girls that were good during the year… That...

How To Build A Million Dollar Business Online –

Building a million-dollar business online is sometimes easier than one may think. Sometimes, you don’t even need a fancy degree, sound experience, or/and any other special tools and services. Sometimes, what you need to start a very successful company is just passion, desire, persistence, and … some faith in God. This story is a bright example of all of this. It’s about a monk called Father Bernard McCoy who started a very successful online store that still brings millions of revenue to his abbey… This Is How To Build A Million-Dollar Business Online From Scratch is a successful business...

eBay Logo

The History of eBay – Pierre Omidyar And His Amazing Start Up Story

A History of eBay‘s origins lie in San Jose, California. On September 5th, 1995, the American computer programmer named Pierre Omidyar founded a personal auction website called – AuctionWeb. One of the first items that were sold on the site was a not working laser pointer, at the price of $14.83. Astonished, Pierre contacted the buyer and asked him if he really understood that the pointer he bought was actually broken. In the email in which the buyer responded, he wrote: “I’m a collector of broken laser pointers.” Actually, eBay was just a side work for Pierre. One day...

How Was Started – The Startup Story Of Matt Mickiewicz and Mark Harbottle

There are hundreds of millions of sites on the Internet today. Some of these web assets are something like online real estate – they generate passive revenue (rent) for their owners, and others are big online businesses making millions of dollars. It’s completely natural for these properties to be traded and this need has been growing fast for the last few years. This is what a group of entrepreneurs took advantage of and this was the idea behind the number one site marketplace – What Is Flippa? Flippa is simply a website marketplace, where buyers and sellers of online...

Andrew Masen, Eric Lefkofsky and the Start Up History of Groupon

Today, is the biggest deal of the day site in the world. Its name comes from the words “group” and “coupon” and it is a place where you can buy stuff at really big discounts, reaching 90% for some offers. When the company went public on the 4th of November 2011, it was valued at nearly 13 billion dollars. That made the event the biggest  IPO (Initial Public Offering), since Google‘s. Having in mind that at that time Groupon was a relatively new company (only 3 years old) and it had never made even a penny of profits, this...

Pierre Omydiar

4 Amazing Startup Success Stories Of Entrepreneurs Who Started With Nothing

You might be amazed, but many big and successful companies were started almost accidentally. Their birth was just a fluke and their founders hadn’t even imagined what they were creating. Sometimes business ideas worth billions of dollars just come out of simple things in life and these entrepreneurs not only caught them but also put them into action and found some of the greatest businesses of all time. Here you can read 4 amazing success stories of ordinary people who ended up as the founders of some of the biggest and most successful companies in the world. The common thing...

One Sale a Day –’s Story How about buying a laptop for 50 bucks? Are you interested? This is an extraordinary story about a guy, who made millions of dollars selling at big discounts! At first sight, you may be thinking that I am kidding, but this is not a laughing matter… This is the real story of Ben Federman, the founder of, where you can buy every day different product at up to 90% discount. Imagine, that you want to buy a digital camera. The best price you have found so far is $300 bucks and occasionally you come across a site, where...

Excuse Letter for Being Absent

Write Excuse Letters For Being Absent To Make A Million Dollars Online – Here Is How

A Business with Excuse Letters for Being Absent Wow, this is really a strange business idea. Everybody needs to be absent from somewhere from time to time. In such a situation, you most probably would need an excuse, right? And it would be better to be a good excuse… Where do you get it from? So here is the demand that John Liddell and Darl Waterhouse spotted and he definitely took advantage of it. He saw a million dollars opportunities in this need and eventually realized it! Read this amazing story and see how this dude made a million dollars...


The Fruit Guys – How Chris Mittelstaedt Started A Fresh Food Delivery Service For Millions

The and their fresh fruits delivery service A common US company is a combination of the owner’s efforts and entrepreneurship and his employee’s work; together with the sweat and all the time, both sides can give they can create a successful business. Chris Mittelstaedt is the man behind the FruitGuys ( – a company delivering fresh, organic fruits and fruit baskets around the United States in order to help the people live a healthier and more blossoming life. The FruitGuys was started back in 1998 when the urge to stop employees stuff themselves with cheap snacks and unhealthy fast...