Category: How to Make Money From Home

Make a Million Investing $5 Each Day

How to Make a Million Investing 5 Dollars a Day – The Magic of Compounding

You would be surprised about how many ways there are to make a million dollars. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages and if you want to become a millionaire, you should choose the one that suits you the best and stick to it. None of the methods is 100% sure, but what is in life? If you want a million you should learn to take reasonable risks! No risk = no profit. So here is today’s method: Invest $5 every day and employ the Dogs of the Dow investment strategy. Please note, that this method is a long-term...

Some Pet Rocks

5 Crazy And Weird Business Ideas That Made Millions Of Dollars

Crazy business ideas are one of the best ways to stand out in a crowded marketplace. While traditional business plans may be tried and true, being creative can provide your venture with an edge over the competition. Crazy ideas, when done right, have the potential to revolutionize industries and create waves of new customers. Read these 5 start-up stories and you will be amazed by how 5 really simple business ideas were turned into multi-million dollar businesses. 1. The Slinky ($250 million worth) Everyone should be familiar with the slinky toy and how it can keep even grown-ups entertained for hours....

Take Action

The Most Critical Success Factor

There are many e-books and other online tutorials, that can show you how to start a small business or begin earning online… No matter what you plan to do, there is one thing, just one thing that is the most important for your success… And what is it? Money? No… Knowledge and experience? Maybe, but not exactly… Money and experience are important, but they are secondary. OK, let’s go straight to the thing. Believe it or not, it is so simple, that anyone can do it, but not everyone does it and this is one of the main reasons for...

What Is Affiliate Marketing And How To Make Money With It? A Simple Definition For Dummies

The Basics Affiliate marketing is a multi-billion industry, you would probably be amazed about how widely spread it is. But what is this thing? Nothing that special, it is simply: selling other people’s stuff, that’s all! No need of fancy and complicated definitions. And it is also one of the most lucrative ways to make money online. It has made hundreds of thousands of people millionaires and many more make a living this way. But it’s not as easy, as a walk in the park… I don’t want to make such an impression. It is a business like any other...

How to start a cleaning business

How To Start a Cleaning Business? A How-To Guide

How To Start a Cleaning Company There is nothing better than a simple and working-well business idea. And here is a good one – start a cleaning business. Someone may say it’s too trivial to be a profitable idea, but do you know what? Cleaning is a multi-billion industry around the world. Every year people from all around the globe generate hundreds of billions of dollars in profits from simply cleaning different things – from small apartments to the offices of the largest corporations. Any moment, anywhere there is something to be cleaned up, and the good news is, that...

How to Make a Website for Free

This Is How to Create a Website That’s Successful – Fast and Easy

Online business is a great way for everyone to be … free! Yes, free is the right word here, because this can be your chance to stop trading your time for money, working a 9-5 job (if you do so). Everyone’s time is limited, why should you sell yours for money? Money can be earned, but time can not… But how online business will help you do this? The answer to this question is “passive income“. Imagine that you earn without even moving your finger, while you are sleeping, eating, or spending time with your children instead of working at...

What Is CPA?

What Does CPA Stand For? How The Cost Per Action Marketing Works

CPA stands for “cost per action” and this is an online marketing technique for generating leads (potential customers) for a business. This is also a nice way to make some good money from home. In today’s world, this method has become a mandatory part of the marketing plans of many big companies, and it is a well-working way for them to attract new customers. How does CPA marketing work? A simple example… Imagine that John has an online store, selling furniture. One day he decides to start sending e-mails to potential customers. For this purpose, he will need mail addresses,...

What Is Crowdsourcing? A Simple Definition. Some Of the most Popular Crowdsourcing Platforms

Crowdsourcing is an interesting and relatively new term, though the history of the word is extremely old. “What is crowdsourcing?” is a common question for an interesting topic. This article discusses the answer to this question as well as provides examples that will help in understanding this strange word. Maybe, with this knowledge, you will even find yourself participating in a crowdsourcing project yourself. Once you know the criteria, you will better understand how plausible this scenario is. So, What is Crowdsourcing …? Crowdsourcing, a term first coined by Jeff Howe in 2006, is a tool used by organizations and...

Jim Wang, a picture from his Twitter profile

How Jim Wang Made $3 Million Online From A Website Because He Was Bored

“I was bored!” Jim Wang said when he was asked how he decided to start the personal finance blog, which he later sold for the sweet round amount of $3 000 000. This is the amazing story of the young entrepreneur who created a super successful financial blog out of thin air because he didn’t have anything else to do… Well, all this didn’t happen without effort. Actually, Jim had developed the site for more than 5 years before his investment of spare time paid off big time. When he was in college, he spent his spare time hanging...

He has a job, too...

10 Reasons For Why You Should Quit Your Job Now

Most people spend (sell) most of their lives working for somebody else, living somebody else’s dream, and making somebody else rich. Most people can’t even imagine life without having a 9-5 job… And you know what? Such a life is just wonderful, I know it from my own experience. And that you will be free is not the only cool thing about working for yourself, there are many other like following your own dreams, living your own life as you want, doing what you believe in, earning what you deserve, and many more… Don’t we have just one life to...