Category: Entrepreneur School
What is branding? This word is widely used in everyday life, but the truth about it is that many people don’t really know what it means. Some people think that branding is a logo, a name, or even a slogan, but it’s actually more than a combination of all these. By the way, anyone does branding, no matter if she realizes it or not. It’s the image and ‘the feel’ you build in your customers while doing business with them. It’s a very broad thing, including everything that you want to do, or just do unintentionally, in order to effectively...
In the life of an entrepreneur, one day comes the moment for incorporating his/her activities. And then usually comes the question ‘How the heck do I do that?’ or ‘How to incorporate a business?’. What type of company would you use if you needed to do that? Would you form a C Corp or you would choose a sole proprietorship? Maybe founding a limited liabilities company (LLC)? What are the differences between all of these what would be the most appropriate for you? Someone may say: Damn, isn’t it enough that more than 90% of starting entrepreneurs fail, but now...
One of the riskiest and most consequential decisions that people have to make in life has to do with quitting a regular job and venturing out on their own. The risk is crystal clear. You are walking away from the security of a regular income job to a future of uncertainty and hope to wish for the best. Is there a perfect time to quit? Nada. Nope. Zilch. This is one of the things that you just have to do when you have to do it. Nevertheless, such a decision must not be made rashly. Ask yourself these questions when...
A really big percentage of people wake up every day and what do they do? They go to spend the rest of the day at work. And they find this completely normal for themselves. But have you ever thought about that how much of your life you spend working for others? Every day, day after day, the same thing happens – you go to work, spend there a lot of your time and then come back home to rest for a while, because you have to work the next day, too. But have you ever imagined what exactly part of...
What Is an Angel Investor Actually? First of all, let’s see what a business angel (angel investor) is. This usually is a wealthy person, who is willing to finance a startup, in exchange for a part of the equity of the financed venture, or for convertible debt. It’s not unusual for business angels to be organized in groups, this way they share the risk, combine their experience and know-how, and can provide much more financing. In many cases, angel investors are retired entrepreneurs or executives in big companies. They often participate in the management of the startup and provide not...
There is no doubt that billionaires are the most financially successful people. Their fortunes prove that very well. Also, there are just 1 645 billionaires in the world (by the time this post was written). This number, compared to the number of all the people on Earth, is extremely small. Billionaires are just 0.000000023% of the population or 1 billionaire in 4.4 million people. These guys have really made it big, and this is why it can be very helpful for any entrepreneur to learn from their experience. In the following infographic, you can see the best advice from some...
What To Do If You Fall… What to do if you fall? You try to get back up… What to do if you can not get back up a hundred times? You try again… I was looking around for cool business videos and I came across this one. This is one of the most motivating clips I have ever watched. It’s about a guy who is without legs and arms, but who is stronger and more motivated than 99% of all of us. His name is Nick Vujicic and this man is a hero, I simply can not find the...
Catch an entrepreneur and take all his/her money, let her start all over and she will most probably rebuild her wealth again. Give to a poor guy the big money, and he will most probably be poor again in a while. There are hundreds of stories about people who won the lottery and had nothing again just in a couple of years. So what would be the difference between a guy who just can’t succeed in business and a guy who is a serial successor? The answer to this question is simply – the way of thinking. Entrepreneurship is a...
Being a good leader is really something tough but it’s also really something that is totally worth it. Leadership is a complex thing, and there are actually many blocks that the mindset of a successful leader is built from. It is described as a process of social influence in which one person can empower the help and support of others in reaching a certain goal or completing a task. A good leader is a person who knows how to motivate people and make them believe in what he/she believes him/herself. A good leader leads, but doesn’t dictate. Being a recognized...
Franchising is one of the greatest ways to start your own business and be your own boss and at the same time take advantage of an already established brand and business operations. This is why everybody should know what it means. Here I will throw some light on the matter, giving you a very simple franchising definition. We will see how it works and will go through its main advantages and disadvantages. How Does Franchising Work? An Example With “John’s Bread” Imagine that John has built a successful bakery and makes really fine bread. For the last few years, his...