Category: Start Up Business Ideas
Start Up Business Ideas – the best ideas for startin a small business.
They are some of the super bright stars in the world of entrepreneurship. They are young, they are determined, and they are running a startup. I came across this cool movie about the lives of some of the youngest and super successful entrepreneurs. This is actually a documentary video about online entrepreneurs from the old continent and The United States and how they made their business ideas happen. Below you can watch how some of the most innovative Internet startups were launched and how they rose or fell. The clip contains interviews with a dozen of young founders, some of...
Comics By ComiXology is a cool and innovative mobile application with which you can make your small, tiny mobile device a big comics library. Awesome, isn’t it?! The app has made a real revolution in reading comic books on tablets and smartphones and has been a really successful startup since its foundation in the year 2007. The ComiXology idea was born in the head of David Steinberger, who co-founded the company (with the same name) with John Roberts, and Peter Jaffe. His inspiration came from his participation in a Start-Up contest, organized by New York University and their business plan won...
David Carter knew only a few things about asbestos but this didn’t stop him to create the site which made him several hundred thousand in just a year. As you may know, asbestos is a dangerous material that was widely used in construction some years ago, and this is why the European Union enacted some laws regulating its use. Just creating a simple site, he opened the door to the world of business. Soon, inquiries started flowing and Carter just took advantage of this. He got certified and started providing asbestos surveys (it’s a legal requirement to have such...
Making money online is one of the best work-from-home jobs ever. It’s one of the greatest ways to earn because it has some amazing, really amazing advantages. What’s one of the best methods you can employ? It’s affiliate marketing and you can see exactly how right here, but first: Let’s go through some of the sweetest advantages of online business 1. No barriers to start – everybody with a computer and Internet can actually start earning online right now, even from her home. 2. Huuuge earning potential – when you work online, your potential customers are around 4.95 billion people...
You have a great startup idea, you believe it’s awesome and that it has huge potential. You know what to do, how to do it. You have made a working prototype and it is working great. You can even smell the profits that are coming… Just a tiny problem stays between you and your success… The lack of finances… Any startup needs to be financed somehow and you should be well prepared when you start searching for cash. Here is a nice clip that can give you some cool tips and advice about startup financing. Below is a video from...
RebelMouse is an ingenious idea that allows users to be able to manage all of their social activity in one spot. In essence, this provides one simple homepage for everything that embodies a person’s social life. Users are able to curate information, view tweets, examine real-time Facebook posts and enjoy every aspect of the social networking world from one platform. The arrangement is so amazing, but it had to start somewhere. The idea behind RebelMouse started with Huffington Post’s former CTO Paul Berry. RebelMouse was launched in June 2012 and it allows its users to extract their content from across...
The game Forced is a popular RPG game with some tactical elements for up to 4 players. There you are a slave, who is forced to fight for his freedom or die. The game is available on Steam Store and has been a very popular app there. This makes it also a very successful business, and this business has a really cool story. Forced History The game was developed by a group of enthusiasts, passionate about gaming and computers. They found a spare classroom at the university they studied at and decided to use it for their first office. They...
Ryland’s Restaurant is a cool place to have a snack. People really like it and the food there is tasty. The business has a big potential for growth but the owner and the manager of the venture has some restrictions from mommy and daddy… Pretty understandable, having in mind that Rayland Goldman is just a 7-year-old boy… Actually, the kid has been thinking about founding a restaurant since he was just 3 years old, and after the Goldman family changed their house, Ryland decided to make his dream happen. His new home happened to be on a busy street, where...
Today technology is booming again and there are thousands of new tech companies launched every single month in the US. Some of them make it big, and some of them just don’t. This is how things in business go. Because this site is mainly about great business ideas and entrepreneurs, we have researched many of the new ventures. So, here is how we decided to make a list of 10 of the most successful and relatively new technology startups. each one of them is built around a great and fresh business idea, so it’s worth reading a sentence or two...
Affiliate marketing is one great way to start a business online, no matter if you have or don’t have a product/service to sell. This is a kind of business where you get paid for performance (sales). It is one of the easiest to start, but also one of the most difficult to manage and earn from. Why? It’s easy to start because of the low barriers to starting, there are many people giving it a try here. Practically everyone with a computer and the Internet can start selling online. But this big number of participants also makes this niche highly...