Category: Social Media

The logo of’s History – Paul Berry’s Social Aggregator Start Up

RebelMouse is an ingenious idea that allows users to be able to manage all of their social activity in one spot. In essence, this provides one simple homepage for everything that embodies a person’s social life. Users are able to curate information, view tweets, examine real-time Facebook posts and enjoy every aspect of the social networking world from one platform. The arrangement is so amazing, but it had to start somewhere. The idea behind RebelMouse started with Huffington Post’s former CTO Paul Berry. RebelMouse was launched in June 2012 and it allows its users to extract their content from across...

Pinterest – A Start Up Story Of Ben Silberman

When a young man with a childhood habit of collecting things like insects and stamps combined his passion for design with engineering skills, Pinterest was born. Ben Silberman along with his friends and colleagues Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp started the development of Pinterest in December 2009, and launched the site in March 2010, as a closed beta. This is not after Ben graduated from Yale in 2003, worked with Google in the sales organization department, and designed many iPhone apps which were never launched. Ben and his friends wanted to create a social platform that will allow people to...

Linkedin's Start Up Story

LinkedIn’s Start Up Story – How Reid Hoffman Started The Company (Infographic)

LinkedIn is currently the most successful and progressive business-oriented social media site. Today it’s used by more than 875 million people from 200 countries all around the world and the site has around ~1.5 billion unique visitors every month. It’s the 11th most popular site on the globe according to Alexa’s rankings. But things were not that great and sweet all of the time… Actually, the history of the site is one of those amazing dorm room startup stories that sound more like magic, than a real business. And even though the founder of the company – Reid Hoffman –...

When Did Twitter Start? How Jack Dorsey Founded The Company

What Is Twitter? Twitter is a very popular social network that allows its users to post short messages (known as “tweets”) of up to 280 characters, which can be read by other users. Tweeting means sending messages. Twitter can be used to connect businesses with customers as well as a personal communication tool. The site was founded in the San Francisco Bay Area, like so many big-name websites of the early 21st century. Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has grown to become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world with millions of users from all...

The site – The Start-Up Story Of Mark Andreessen and Gina Bianchini

Social networking has been exploding over the last several years. This is how simple ideas like Facebook and Twitter were transformed into multi-billion companies, used by people from all around the world. Many people noticed their incredible success and followed the social trend. Some of them managed to gain popularity even after the big names has already conquered the market. They focused on certain niches like picture sharing, video sharing, etc. Even some teenage entrepreneurs managed to grasp a piece of the tasty social pie. One of them, Ashley Qualls was only 14 years old, when she started her social...

Instagram Logo, source:

Instagram – An Online Business Idea For $1 Billion

In 2012, there was an announcement from Facebook – they were buying Instagram for the price of $1 billion. A company started just a few years ago by two young entrepreneurs, has brought them to the world of super riches. A company that had no revenue, only 13 employees, and completely no profits by the time of the deal… Who would be so insane to pay a billion for such a business?!? Well, actually Instagram had one thing that was far more valuable – potential. And this is what the managers of the biggest social network spotted there. Here is...

Reddit's Logo -

The History of Reddit – How Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman Started The Company

History is amongst the biggest social networking sites nowadays. It has more than a billion page views monthly, which makes it one of the most popular websites in the world.  “The front page of the Internet” was started back in 2005, by two guys in their twenties –  Alexis Ohanian and his friend Steve Huffman. They created a social site, where people were able to share links with a short description and vote for them. According to the number of votes, the publications were ranked and shown on the site. The young entrepreneurs initially created some fake accounts themselves...

Flickr - Share Your Life in Photos

What Is Flickr’s Story – How Steward Butterfield and Caterina Fake Founded

History The world as we know it… filled with nature’s beauty and our imagination’s view of it. The best way to share the marvelous experience of watching the local marines sail off, waving at the crowds at the port, or the beautiful new bud of your favorite in-house flower is by taking a photo of the vent or item you want to share and post it somewhere for all to see…  or just the ones you want. In the past, there have been many places where one can do this – PhotoBucket, MySpace, or even Facebook, but there is only...

How Michael And Xochi Birch Founded BEBO – The History Of

You might know one of the greatest and biggest social networking sites –, but you probably don’t know how it started and turned into the huge world community portal it is now. It has more than 120 000 000 registered users from all around the globe and they are constantly growing. This makes it the 8th biggest social network in the world in 2011 (see top 30 social networking sites). One very interesting and inspiring story… How Was Started Like almost every great business, was started with almost nothing, by an American family – Michael Birch, husband,...