Category: The Best Companies To Work For

Caleb Bradham, the founder of Pepsi

PepsiCo – the History of Pepsi-Cola and Caleb Bradham

History In 1893, Caleb Bradham created a drink in his home spicing it with kola nuts and the enzyme pepsin. At first, he called it “Brad’s Drink” and this was the first name of Pepsi Cola. It was so delicious that he soon started selling it in his neighborhood. Later, in 1998, this tasty beverage was renamed to Pepsi Cola and this was when the start of this world brand was put. In the first years, Bradham prepared Pepsi in his drugstore, but soon he was not able to supply the increased quantity that people wanted to buy. In 1903...

The Story Of Dell Computers

Dell Computers History – The Start-Up Story of Michael Dell

Dell Computers? You might be coming from another planet if you haven’t heard about them. Talking about PCs, they are one of the greatest companies in the world. For more than a quarter of a century, Dell has helped many companies and people to realize their dreams, by delivering quality technology solutions. But how all of this started? Here you will see another great business idea, made happen… History This is one really inspiring business story about a man who started with nothing, and became a billionaire! When saying nothing, I am talking about money, because Michael Dell had all...

The logo of The Home Depot

How Home Depot Was Started : Arthur Blank and Bernie Marcus’ Start Up Story

Whenever you visit the Home Depot, do you ever wonder how it started? How did it rise to become a one-stop shop that has everything you could ever need for your home? It was in 1978 when Arthur Blank and Bernie Marcus established The Home Depot (HD) in Atlanta, Georgia with the help of Ken Langone and Pat Farrah. The company started with a vision of providing a store for do-it-yourself (DIY) home improvements. There were other home improvement giants in the market during that time, but Home Depot’s founders believed in their goal of becoming the best and this...

One Million Dollars

What price should you sell your business at? 23 Years Old Evan Spiegel Refuses $3 Billion From Facebook

Who is Evan Spiegel? Evan Spiegel is one of the founders and the chief executive officer of the popular service for transferring messages Snapchat. This young entrepreneur is only 23, and recently he was offered $3 billion for his business. The offer was made by the social giant Facebook and actually, it was … refused?!? Let’s make it crystal clear, we are talking about 3 billion US dollars here… in cash. Who just refuses such amount of money that would be enough for the living expenses of thousands of people? Well, Evan does.   Actually many entrepreneurs wouldn’t accept even...

The logo of’s History – Paul Berry’s Social Aggregator Start Up

RebelMouse is an ingenious idea that allows users to be able to manage all of their social activity in one spot. In essence, this provides one simple homepage for everything that embodies a person’s social life. Users are able to curate information, view tweets, examine real-time Facebook posts and enjoy every aspect of the social networking world from one platform. The arrangement is so amazing, but it had to start somewhere. The idea behind RebelMouse started with Huffington Post’s former CTO Paul Berry. RebelMouse was launched in June 2012 and it allows its users to extract their content from across...

Sam Walton - Walmart

Walmart Stores’ History. How Samuel Walton Started Walmart

Samuel Walton, born in 1918, opened his first discount stores in the 1940s and 1950s in Arkansas. In 1962 Samuel and his brother Bud Walton opened their first Walmart store based in Rogers, Arkansas. A dash was added to the logo in 1964, becoming Walmart. Within seven years they were running eighteen stores in locations including Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma. In 1969 the chain officially became Walmart Stores, Inc. The following year the company issued stock to the public and entered the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. The business model was built on warehouses, where merchandise could be stored....

The logo of Asana

10 Stories Of Super Successful Tech Start-Ups and Founders

Today technology is booming again and there are thousands of new tech companies launched every single month in the US. Some of them make it big, and some of them just don’t. This is how things in business go. Because this site is mainly about great business ideas and entrepreneurs, we have researched many of the new ventures. So, here is how we decided to make a list of 10 of the most successful and relatively new technology startups. each one of them is built around a great and fresh business idea, so it’s worth reading a sentence or two...

How Taobao was founded – the start-up story

Taobao.Com – The Start Taobao, an e–commerce giant founded by Jack Ma, is one of the world’s leading online marketplaces. It has become an integral part of Chinese society, with over 800 million registered users and 600 million active users. The company is estimated to have an annual turnover of over $40 billion, making it the largest and most popular e–commerce platform in the world. It is also one of the biggest success stories of the digital age, and its success story is one of determination, innovation, and ambition. The company’s origin story began in 2003 when Ma began his...

A Harley Davidson

A History Of The Harley Davidson Company

A Brief History of Harley-Davidson Harley Davidson is an iconic motorcycle manufacturer in America and most probably the most famous motorcycle manufacturer in the world. The company is based in the United States. Having been founded out of a small outhouse in 1903 by a 20-year-old William S. Harley, the company has achieved massive success. William Harvey built the first powered bicycle using a small engine that had 116 cc capacity. Harley had drawn the blueprint for this engine in 1901. The first garage of this company which measured 10ft by 15ft was a courtyard shed behind their home. This...

When Did Twitter Start? How Jack Dorsey Founded The Company

What Is Twitter? Twitter is a very popular social network that allows its users to post short messages (known as “tweets”) of up to 280 characters, which can be read by other users. Tweeting means sending messages. Twitter can be used to connect businesses with customers as well as a personal communication tool. The site was founded in the San Francisco Bay Area, like so many big-name websites of the early 21st century. Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has grown to become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world with millions of users from all...