Category: The Best Companies To Work For - Logo

What Is’s Start Up Story – How Evan Williams Founded The Site

What Is Blogger? (also known as is the ultimate microblogging platform on the Internet. Not only has it been the most popular place for a free blog for the last several years, but also it is the most powerful tool one could use for this purpose. There you can start and develop a professional blog for free and even earn money from it. You have everything you may need to do this, and you can make it literally in minutes. This makes Blogger the perfect place for zounds of people, companies, organizations, and others to create their own...

How Mark Pincus Started Zynga – A Story Of A Serial Entrepreneur

Zynga Inc Zinga ( is a games-developing company that was incorporated in April 2007 by Mark Pincus, with its main headquarter based in San Francisco, California. Just a few years after it was started, Zynga began generating billions of dollars in revenue from its social games. Originally, the project was named Presidio Media but the name was changed, in July of 2007, in honor of Mark’s dog – an American bulldog “Zynga”. This is also where the dog on the logo of the company derives from. In its humble beginnings, the entire production team included just nine people to run...

Reddit's Logo -

The History of Reddit – How Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman Started The Company

History is amongst the biggest social networking sites nowadays. It has more than a billion page views monthly, which makes it one of the most popular websites in the world.  “The front page of the Internet” was started back in 2005, by two guys in their twenties –  Alexis Ohanian and his friend Steve Huffman. They created a social site, where people were able to share links with a short description and vote for them. According to the number of votes, the publications were ranked and shown on the site. The young entrepreneurs initially created some fake accounts themselves...

Wikipedia’s Startup Story – How Jimmy Wales Started The Biggest Online Encyclopedia is the biggest and the most popular free online encyclopedia today. Its knowledge database has been created by millions of people from all over the world. Currently, (2019) the site has more than 40 million articles in more than 293 different languages. That makes around 3.7 billion words which are 85 times more than all of the words in all 120 volumes of “Encyclopædia Britannica“. and what’s even more amazing is that all of this content was created by the 27 million registered users (voluntarily) and it’s available for free use, under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Monthly, more...

Who Founded Youtube – How Jawed Karim,  Steve Chen, and Chad Hurley Started The Video Sharing Site

Who Founded Youtube – How Jawed Karim, Steve Chen, and Chad Hurley Started The Video Sharing Site

YouTube, the world’s largest video-sharing platform, has revolutionized the way people consume and share content. It was founded in February 2005 by three former PayPal employees: Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. This article delves into the fascinating story of YouTube’s founding, the challenges it faced, and its journey to becoming a global phenomenon. is the biggest video-sharing site in the world, it’s really huge! At the beginning of the year 2012, more than 4 billion videos were streamed every single day. Nowadays (2024) the platform boasts over two billion logged-in monthly users, making it one of the...

Skype History

How Was Skype Created? A Startup Story Of Niklas Zennstrom & Janus Frii

Only 10 years ago, no one could have even imagined that nowadays everybody would be able to make completely free calls with anyone, anywhere in the world… Not only can you talk with someone on the opposite side of the Earth, but you can watch him/her in real time, share files and even play games with the person you are connected to or make a conference call to a group of users. This is what Skype made possible and totally free for everyone! Great! And here is how it all happened… But first, what is Skype and how was it...

The Start Up Story Of Charles Flint And IBM

This is the amazing story of one of the biggest, oldest, and most successful technology companies – IBM – International Business Machines Corporation. Its story began more than 100 years ago, It all started in the US, and since then has conquered the world. Nowadays, the head office is located in Armonk, New York, US, but the company is present in 170 countries and has around 400 000 employees. It’s the corporation holding the biggest number of patents in the US and one of the most significant ones in our technological history. Building all kinds of tech things, from small...

The logo of WhatsApp

Jan Koum – From Living On Food Stamps To Becoming A Billionaire

This is one amazing story proving that anything is possible in America. This is the amazing story of Jan Koum, who yesterday closed a $19 billion deal selling WhatsApp to the social networking giant Facebook. Jan, who just a few years ago was hardly making the ends meet, became one of the richest people in the world. He is believed to have around 45% of WhatsApp, which sets his net worth to $6.8 billion. Who Is Jan Koum? Jan Koum was born in a small village in Ukraine on Feb 24, 1976. He was the only child in the family....

Jeff Bezos, The Founder Of Amazon (Wikimedia)

The History Of – How Jeff Bezos Started Up The Company

Amazon – – is a website that even a kid well knows today. Millions of customers, both returning and new visit this online marketplace to find everything they need to buy online. Their mission is to offer any product under the sun, to anyone, anywhere in the world… And they have been doing this really successfully for more than 20 years… Inc. is undoubtedly a pioneer in online retailing. The company offers almost everything – from books, videos, CDs, DVDs, and toys to automotive parts, lab & scientific supplies, power transmission products, and so on. And here in...