Category: Uncategorized

World wealth distribution statistics.

World Wealth Distribution And Income Inequality In The World

The total wealth in the world at the beginning of 2013 was around $223 trillion. It has increased almost twice from $113 trillion in the year 2000. Here is an interesting infographic, showing some facts about world wealth. The most obvious thing you can see here is the inequality of its distribution among people. Did you know, that just 0.1% of all people own around 80% of all financial wealth? Around a quarter of the world’s wealth is located in the United States, which makes it the richest country in the world. Most of the millionaires on Earth are located...

Wordpress Market Share 2013

WordPress Market Share –

Probably every active Internet user has heard about WordPress. If you haven’t, you better check this out. Over the last few years, WordPress has become the most popular CMS in the world. It’s an open-source content management system (the so-called CMS), with which you can quickly and easily build your own website. Its development started 12 years ago, back in 2001 under the name b2 cafelog. Today this platform is the most popular CMS in the world and powers 33% of all sites in the world (2023), around 120+ million. Not only it’s completely free, but also professional, secure, and...

Flappy Bird

The Incredible Story Of Flappy Bird And Its Creator Dong Nguyen

Today’s world is amazing, it totally is. We live in a time of opportunities and possibilities. This story is a bright example of how a free market combined with some creativity and maybe luck can make you a multi-millionaire in a matter of months. This is the astonishing story of a young Vietnamese developer who, because of suffering from the ‘too much spare time’ syndrome, decided to write a very simple game with awful graphics… Eventually, that turned out to make him incredibly rich, because of one simple reason – people just liked it! I am talking about the fabulous...


What Is The Price Of Your Freedom? Here Is How To Calculate It

A really big percentage of people wake up every day and what do they do? They go to spend the rest of the day at work. And they find this completely normal for themselves. But have you ever thought about that how much of your life you spend working for others? Every day, day after day, the same thing happens – you go to work, spend there a lot of your time and then come back home to rest for a while, because you have to work the next day, too. But have you ever imagined what exactly part of...

A Brief History of Android

A Short History of Android – Its Evolution Over The Years

The most popular mobile operating system – Android has made a real revolution in the mobile world. Very soon, more than 1 000 000 000 devices will be using this platform. Having in mind, that this is around 1/7 of the population of the planet, this number is really huge. More than 1 500 000 Android devices are activated every single day and this number is growing. If you are already wondering about how this open source project has expanded that much, you can have a look at this infographic showing a brief history of this great software invention. It...

How Did Apple Get Its Name?

Apple is one of the biggest and most successful companies of our time. It generates more profits than the gross domestic product of a small country and its evaluation recently touched 1 trillion US dollars. That’s a very serious business and it carries the name of a fruit. How come? How did Apple get its name? Why did Steve Jobs name a company after a fruit exactly? Well, this is an interesting story revealing all that mystery about where “Apple” derives from. This is how Apple got its name According to the co-founder of the company, Steve Wozniak, it was...

A Cisco Phone

A Qurios Fact About Where The ‘Cisco’ Name Derives From

Cisco is a leading multinational technology company known for its advanced networking hardware, software, and services. The company was founded in 1984 and currently holds a strong presence in the enterprise mobility, cybersecurity, and Internet of Things markets. The name of the company was derived from the City of San Francisco. Before, engineers used lowercase for ‘cisco’ because it only came from the name of the said city. According to John Morgridge, the first president of the company, the owners got the name and the logo while driving to Sacramento to register the company, and then they saw the Golden Gate...

Angry Birds

Angry Birds’ Start-Up Story – How Rovio Mobile Was Founded

Today you will hardly find a young person, who hasn’t heard about ‘Angry Birds‘, especially if she has a smartphone. This engaging mobile game has become one of the most popular on the market and has made millions of dollars for its creators – three young entrepreneurs who love games. But how has that happened? Here is how: Rovio Mobile LTD. Back in 2003, three young and crazy about computer games students attended the University of Technology in Helsinki. Their names were Kim Dikert, Niked Hed, and Jarno Vakevainen and one day their passion for games made them found a company under...


What Is Gearing? A Simple Definition

Gearing is a popular word in the financial world. It is a synonym of ‘financial leverage’ and both of these words can be used interchangeably. This is a ratio between the amount of own and the amount of borrowed capital in a business, personal budget, or any other financial unit. To learn more about leverage in finance, you can read our example on this matter here. Gearing Ratio As we said earlier, the gearing ratio is the percentage of own funds from borrowed funds. An example of this is the debt-to-equity ratio from corporate finance. Let’s say that a company...