Tagged: Big Businesses

Alexa.com – A Start Up Story Of Brewster Kahle and Bruce Gilliat

Alexa.com is a web traffic analysis service that provides comprehensive web analytics and competitive intelligence data. The company was founded back in April 1996. Its vision revolves around the concept of wise web navigation a concept that is ever-evolving still today. Currently, it is owned by Amazon and was acquired in 1999. Alexa tracks over 30 million websites, giving customers in-depth insight into how visitors interact with their sites. It also keeps track of top sites and other categories to measure the online popularity of various web properties. Alexa Internet, Inc. is a successful web information company that has created...

How Taobao was founded – the start-up story

Taobao.Com – The Start Taobao, an e–commerce giant founded by Jack Ma, is one of the world’s leading online marketplaces. It has become an integral part of Chinese society, with over 800 million registered users and 600 million active users. The company is estimated to have an annual turnover of over $40 billion, making it the largest and most popular e–commerce platform in the world. It is also one of the biggest success stories of the digital age, and its success story is one of determination, innovation, and ambition. The company’s origin story began in 2003 when Ma began his...

Steve Jobs – A Short Biography

We all know Steve Jobs (Steven Poul Jobs) as the creator and CEO of Apple. The evolution of Apple and the success of its products will be his legacy in the long run, but it is interesting to learn about how he ascended to where he ended up. Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco on February 24, 1955, and is of Syrian and German descent. His biological parents – Abdulfattah Jandali (father) and Joanne Carole Schieble (mother) were still students and couldn’t afford to raise the child. Jobs was adopted soon after his birth and grew up predominately in...

When Did Twitter Start? How Jack Dorsey Founded The Company

What Is Twitter? Twitter is a very popular social network that allows its users to post short messages (known as “tweets”) of up to 280 characters, which can be read by other users. Tweeting means sending messages. Twitter can be used to connect businesses with customers as well as a personal communication tool. The site was founded in the San Francisco Bay Area, like so many big-name websites of the early 21st century. Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has grown to become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world with millions of users from all...

The Start-Up Story Of LiveJournal And Brad Fitzpatrick

When social media websites became popular, some rose to prominence and remained at the top of search results. Others plowed steadily down the middle of the road, remaining in the peripheral vision of interested online parties. And still, others fizzled out quickly due to keeping their focus too limited. In the case of LiveJournal, a social media outlet designed specifically for blogging, it has remained important depending on the geographical location. Founded in 1999 by Brad Fitzpatrick, a programmer born in Iowa and raised in Oregon, the site grew in popularity over the next few years. It wasn’t until the...

eBay Logo

The History of eBay – Pierre Omidyar And His Amazing Start Up Story

A History of eBay.com eBay‘s origins lie in San Jose, California. On September 5th, 1995, the American computer programmer named Pierre Omidyar founded a personal auction website called – AuctionWeb. One of the first items that were sold on the site was a not working laser pointer, at the price of $14.83. Astonished, Pierre contacted the buyer and asked him if he really understood that the pointer he bought was actually broken. In the email in which the buyer responded, he wrote: “I’m a collector of broken laser pointers.” Actually, eBay was just a side work for Pierre. One day...


Wikipedia’s Startup Story – How Jimmy Wales Started The Biggest Online Encyclopedia

Wikipedia.org is the biggest and the most popular free online encyclopedia today. Its knowledge database has been created by millions of people from all over the world. Currently, (2019) the site has more than 40 million articles in more than 293 different languages. That makes around 3.7 billion words which are 85 times more than all of the words in all 120 volumes of “Encyclopædia Britannica“. and what’s even more amazing is that all of this content was created by the 27 million registered users (voluntarily) and it’s available for free use, under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Monthly, more...

Skype History

How Was Skype Created? A Startup Story Of Niklas Zennstrom & Janus Frii

Only 10 years ago, no one could have even imagined that nowadays everybody would be able to make completely free calls with anyone, anywhere in the world… Not only can you talk with someone on the opposite side of the Earth, but you can watch him/her in real time, share files and even play games with the person you are connected to or make a conference call to a group of users. This is what Skype made possible and totally free for everyone! Great! And here is how it all happened… But first, what is Skype and how was it...


Andrew Masen, Eric Lefkofsky and the Start Up History of Groupon

Today, Groupon.com is the biggest deal of the day site in the world. Its name comes from the words “group” and “coupon” and it is a place where you can buy stuff at really big discounts, reaching 90% for some offers. When the company went public on the 4th of November 2011, it was valued at nearly 13 billion dollars. That made the event the biggest  IPO (Initial Public Offering), since Google‘s. Having in mind that at that time Groupon was a relatively new company (only 3 years old) and it had never made even a penny of profits, this...