Tagged: online marketing

Guide To Online Marketing

How to Do Online Marketing? The Best Strategies For Big And Small Businesses – For Dummies

What is online marketing? Online (digital) marketing has become the difference between success and failure in business. You are not totally sure what exactly online marketing is? It’s a combination of all of the tools and techniques that can help you increase your popularity on the Internet. Any company must have an online presence, not only IT stores, everyone. And do you know why? The answer is simply simple! The Internet is a huge sales channel, I mean really huge. And this is not the best thing here… Actually, this channel is going to get really bigger in the next...

Big Myths About Email Marketing

How To Do E-mail Marketing? Best Practices For Successful Campaigns

Email marketing was a very popular marketing strategy in the early and middle stages of the Internet era. Actually, it was one of the main online channels marketers used to reach their target groups of people. Although it is not as popular today as it was, this can still be a very effective method for increasing sales and gaining popularity. But, it should be done the right way! Even though the method is as old as the e-mail itself, there are still some things that many people understand wrong about it. In the following infographic, you can see the top...

200 Ranking Factors for 2013 and 2014

200 Search Results Ranking Factors

Online marketing has been growing for many years and it has become a constantly expanding multi-billion industry. Any business must have a presence online, nowadays this can be the difference between failure and success. SEO is one of the most, if not the most important aspect of online marketing. Companies from all around the world spend large budgets every single year for improving their search engine rankings and this is not about to change in the foreseeable future. Typically search engines themselves don’t like their results being manipulated, so they constantly improve their ranking algorithms for excluding nonnatural popularity from...

7 Tips For More Sales Online

8 Tips On How To Increase Online Sales Fast And Improve Conversion

In today‘s digitally–driven world, more and more businesses are leveraging the power of the internet to increase online sales. Whether you are a small business looking to make your first sale online or a large company looking to grow your market share, there are simple tips that everyone can follow to help increase online sales. Here are 8 tips to get you started… Tip 1 – Master Details Often small things in business can have a big impact on your performance, especially when talking about Internet sales. Have you watched “The Butterfly Effect” movie? If not, I would recommend watching...

30 Online Marketing Tips For Inreasing Your Popularity

30 Online Marketing Facts You May Not Know

Online marketing has changed the way companies do business nowadays. Today you can buy anything on the Internet – from groceries to a luxury apartment on an exotic island. Businesses invest more and more money into their online presence, seeing the potential of this channel for reaching their customers. And this kind of marketing is still gaining momentum. According to some statistics, just one-third of the population on The Earth use the World Wide Web on a daily basis. So if you haven’t thought about Internet marketing, maybe it is a good time to start. With the boom of smartphones...

A simple explanation of what branding really is.

What Is Branding And How Does It Work? A Simple Definition For Dummies

What is branding? This word is widely used in everyday life, but the truth about it is that many people don’t really know what it means. Some people think that branding is a logo, a name, or even a slogan, but it’s actually more than a combination of all these. By the way, anyone does branding, no matter if she realizes it or not. It’s the image and ‘the feel’ you build in your customers while doing business with them. It’s a very broad thing, including everything that you want to do, or just do unintentionally, in order to effectively...

The evolution of marketing

The Evolution of Marketing – How It Changed Over The Years – Strategies & Trends

Marketing is a complex process, it is actually selling a product or service, by using different techniques. It literally means finding, keeping, and utilizing a market (customers) for a business. This is one of the most simple definitions of marketing. It is a crucial part of a company’s activities because it helps with the thing that any business should do to stay alive – to sell! Practically marketing has initially appeared many, many years ago. Because of the fact, that any effort that helps with sales can be called marketing, its roots began with the beginning of trade.  Although it...

How to Use Social Media for Marketing Purposes

How to Use Social Media for Marketing Purposes

Social media sites are still the rising star in the world of Internet marketing. This part of web is still growing and more and more competitors are entering the social game. Today, there are thousands of social sites – some of them are huge, some are smaller and focused, third are just stepping in… and they attract great attention, which is growing every single day. Facebook – the biggest social network was valued at $15 billion in 2007.  Amazingly (for me), the company has managed to create $50 billion more value and today (2011) it is worth around $84 billion!...