Category: Cool Videos

Ellon Musk’s Biography Is Simply Amazing – Video

Ellon Musk is one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time. He was born on the 28th of June, 1971 in South Africa. He learned to code when he was just 12, early-developed computer skills are really common among today’s IT gurus… He started his first company, Zip2, when he was just 24. After selling it and cashing in $22 million, he continued with co-founding (the predecessor of PayPal). PayPal was a huge success, in 2002, eBay bought the payment company for $1.5 billion (Musk personally cashed in $165 million for his share). But this was not enough...

The Most Important Business Lessons From The CEO of Wells Fargo – Dick Kovacevich

The Most Important Business Lessons From The CEO of Wells Fargo – Dick Kovacevich

If you haven’t heard about Dick Kovacevich, he is an American businessman who served as the chairman and CEO of Wells Fargo from 1998 to 2007. He previously served as president and chief operating officer at Norwest Corporation, prior to their merger with Wells Fargo in 1998. In addition, he has held numerous corporate positions including Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, member of the executive committee for Visa Inc., and director on the board at Aetna Inc., Chevron Corporation, 3M Company, and Oracle Corporation. Dick is most known as the chief executive officer of Wells Fargo –...

The 10 Most Common Mistakes Made by Entrepreneurs

The 10 Most Common Mistakes Made by Entrepreneurs

Nice and informative video, part of the 2010 conference on Entrepreneurship, held at Standford Graduate School of Business. Here you can learn about the top 10 mistakes made by entrepreneurs around the world. This will help you improve your entrepreneurial skills and gain some experience from some great lecturers and experts on this topic. Some of the mistakes are really easy to avoid if you knew about them previously. If you are a beginner in business, I highly recommend to take the time and watch this video. It’s around an hour long, but it will be a nice invested hour,...

Amazing Start Up Stories Of Vimeo, Kiip, InDinero, Soundcloud And Dropbox

Amazing Start Up Stories Of Vimeo, Kiip, InDinero, Soundcloud And Dropbox

They are some of the super bright stars in the world of entrepreneurship. They are young, they are determined, and they are running a startup. I came across this cool movie about the lives of some of the youngest and super successful entrepreneurs. This is actually a documentary video about online entrepreneurs from the old continent and The United States and how they made their business ideas happen. Below you can watch how some of the most innovative Internet startups were launched and how they rose or fell. The clip contains interviews with a dozen of young founders, some of...

How to Start a Small Business Successfully - pic:

Small Business And Start Up Funding Tips And Advice From Successful Entrepreneurs

You have a great startup idea, you believe it’s awesome and that it has huge potential. You know what to do, how to do it. You have made a working prototype and it is working great. You can even smell the profits that are coming… Just a tiny problem stays between you and your success… The lack of finances… Any startup needs to be financed somehow and you should be well prepared when you start searching for cash. Here is a nice clip that can give you some cool tips and advice about startup financing. Below is a video from...

44 Inspiring Quotes For Boosting Your Motivation

44 Inspiring Quotes For Boosting Your Motivation

  Inspiration is a key factor not only in business but also in any other aspect of life. If you have inspiration, you have also motivation. In fact, inspiration is pretty much the best motivation, isn’t it? In this sense, we found a cool presentation in which you can find 44 really inspiring quotes from 44 great entrepreneurs, authors, inventors. So, have a look below and get your dose.   44 Inspiring Quotes   Great quotes, aren’t they? If you think so, please, consider sharing this post on some social sites. Thanks for that.

Daymond John – About The Lessons He Learned From His Worst Mistakes (Video)

Daymond John – About The Lessons He Learned From His Worst Mistakes (Video)

Daymond John is an American businessman, best known as the founder and CEO of the fashion company FUBU. He is also a famous entrepreneur, investor, television personality, author, and motivational speaker. You may have watched it on TV, he participates as an investor on Shark Tank – reality television series on ABC. In this show he and four other business executives (the sharks) get ideas from everyday people, choose profitable projects and give money to their entrepreneurs to start them as a business. Today Daymond John has an estimated net worth of around $250 million and he has been a...

Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech at Stanford – A Must Watch Video For Anyone

Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech at Stanford – A Must Watch Video For Anyone

A life-changing speech – this is what I can say about the oration of Steve Jobs, in honor of the Stanford graduates in 2005. Nothing so special, but really amazing, something that touches your soul deep inside, if you can grasp the meaning of it. It’s a story about life and death, about how everyone should think about his/her life because we are not here forever… Few people really realize this, but it’s true for all of us. See the philosophy of one great entrepreneur about life, success, failure, and happiness. Steve Jobs never graduated from college. However, this didn’t...

Pirates Of Sillicon Valey

Pirates of Silicon Valley – An Amazing Movie About Apple And Microsoft That Everybody Should Watch

Simply Great! This is what I could say about the movie: “Pirates Of Silicon Valley“. This is a real story, about the fathers of the world of technology we have today. A movie about the struggle of young entrepreneurs, that founded two of the greatest companies ever – Apple and Microsoft. It’s a movie about the epic fight between the early tech giants, stolen business ideas, and entrepreneurship.  A movie about the competition between the two men, who lead the most successful companies of our time – Steve Jobs (Apple) and Bill Gates (Microsoft).  You will be just amazed at...

Steve Jobs’ Vision of Life

Steve Jobs’ Vision of Life

All people on Earth are 99.9% the same. And this is a scientific fact, there is just a 0.1% difference between the genes of any two people. What the heck? What we all have learned from our everyday life is that everyone is different, too. Why are we so much the same, and at the same time so much different? Why do some people become billionaires, some become musicians, etc…? Well, one of the things that makes everyone so unique is the way she/he looks in life. Everybody is affected differently by different things in life and this is how...