Category: Crazy Business Ideas

Some of the craziest and weird business ideas ever that were turned into successful businesses. A nice collection of crazy business stories…

Grumpy Cat

Tardar Sauce – The Dwarf Grumpy Cat That Made $100 Mil For Tabatha Bundesen

Tabatha Bundesen She was a waitress at first, but one cat with dwarfism would later radically change her life. This is the amazing story of Tabatha Bundesen and her friend, the cat Tardar Sauce. what kind of cat is a grumpy cat? The animal was born to normal parents, but it had a strange grumpy look because of dwarfism. Tabatha’s brother found this really funny and one day he decided to shoot (talking about a camera here) the cat and post the picture to the popular social site Reddit. The photo wade a boom there. Then, just in 48 hours,...

Ship Your Enemies Glitter – Mathew Carpenter’s Weird Business Idea

The ‘ship your enemies glitter’ is one of those crazy business ideas that many people are wondering what an idiot one should be to do something like this. This is one of those ideas that are not only weird and idiotic, but they are also working! And are working so coolly and smoothly, that nobody can believe their success. When I first read about Mathew Carpenter and his site’s story, I just said to myself WTF?!?! It was built around a simple dummy idea that was turned into a successful business in a matter of days… Ok, so here is...

Playground Energy Toy

Playground Energy – Kids Can Generate Electricity While Playing

One day I was at the playground near our home with my little boy. So we headed towards there and when the toys appeared on the horizon I saw the flames in my son’s eyes. He couldn’t even wait till we got there. He rushed towards the playground and started jumping, climbing, sliding, and running all around the place. He was like a little toy with a pair of brand-new and fresh batteries installed. I said to myself ‘Wow..! This kid is running like crazy…’ And obviously, most of the kids there had the same attitude and behavior. We all...

Drone Advertising

Raj Singh – A Guy With The Innovative Business Idea Of Drone Advertising – DroneCast’s Start-Up Story

Today you can see ads everywhere – on the TV, on this site, and on your way back home… Ads are literally everywhere, but I have never thought about this way of advertising – with drones. It’s simply genius. It’s definitely the type of ads that make a good impression and that are well remembered. Imagine that you are doing your work at the office and you see a strange flying thing inviting you to have a tasty lunch in the restaurant across the street. The drone comes exactly at lunchtime and inevitably grasps the attention even of the most...

Billy-Bob Teeth Inc.

Jonah White Earned $50 Million By Making People Ugly – The Billy Bob Teeth

Jonah White is a successful and a little weird entrepreneur, one of the founders of  Billy-Bob Teeth Inc. He and his partner Rich Bailey made more than $50 million dollars by actually making people look ugly. This is one of the craziest, and at the same time profitable business ideas I have ever heard of. Their first and most successful product – the billy bob teeth made a revolution in how people smile. The founders claim that their ugly teeth are sold in more than 150 countries from around the world and so far, they have manufactured and sold more...

A dog wearing sunglasses "Doggles".

Roni Di Lullo Made А Fortune Selling Glasses… For Dogs – The Doggles Company Start-Up Story

Glasses for Dogs?! Are you kidding me? Many of you might think that this is just a funny story, but it’s completely real and actually totally innovative. In fact, it also turned out to be a really profitable and successful business idea, that created a fortune. Roni Di Lullo made millions by building a business around it. And here is her story… One day when she was in the park, she saw her dog unpleasantly blinking, because of the strong sunlight. She got immediate inspiration and decided to make sunglasses for dogs. This was a totally crazy idea, nobody has made anything...

A site worth a million dollars

How to Make a Million Dollars Fast with a Website

This is one of my favorite stories. It’s so simple, so easy to make, that it seems it can’t be true… But it is! This is a story about how a million dollars idea could be created just in 20 minutes, the story of “Own a Piece of Internet History” is the slogan, under which the site appears in the search results of popular search engines, and its place there is well-deserved. How to make a million dollars fast? Here is how… Once upon a time, there was a British student called Alex Tew, 21, who experienced a shortage...


Business with … Beer Bellies – Story

You probably have heard about and their great idea – the beer belly. This is a rubber bag, that can be filled with your favorite drink and worn under clothes. “The Beerbelly brings Freedom to the Beverage!” is the slogan that these products are sold under. Having one, you can drink whatever you want, wherever you want, and whenever you like. No matter whether you are watching movies, you are on a plane, or even at the university on a lecture… It’s a crazy idea, isn’t it…? Here is how it was born: The Beer Belly was developed by...

How Daniel Kovach Started An Online Business With No Money

This is one amazing story about a man who took advantage of the whites-only scholarship at Boston University, that hit the media a few years ago. He created this discriminant policy into a gold mine and made thousands of dollars online with it. This is a story showing that anyone can start an online business with no money, just by finding a profitable niche. Here is his story… Back in 2006, some universities still offered scholarships only for whites. Daniel Kovach was one of the guys realizing that this could bring really big traffic to his site –, which...

A Business Idea From Santa

The Startup For Santa Claus Mails – SantaMail And Byron Reese

A mail from Santa… Think about the days when you were a kid. If you grew up in a Christian family, one of the greatest joys you might remember from your childhood would probably be Christmas and of course, Santa Claus. Kids just love Christmas, that’s a wonderful time of the year for them because of the family evenings, the presents they receive, end the positive emotion as a whole. And they truly believe in the little dwarfs that prepare the presents and in Santa, who gives them to the boys and girls that were good during the year… That...