Category: Innovative Start Ups
Comics By ComiXology is a cool and innovative mobile application with which you can make your small, tiny mobile device a big comics library. Awesome, isn’t it?! The app has made a real revolution in reading comic books on tablets and smartphones and has been a really successful startup since its foundation in the year 2007. The ComiXology idea was born in the head of David Steinberger, who co-founded the company (with the same name) with John Roberts, and Peter Jaffe. His inspiration came from his participation in a Start-Up contest, organized by New York University and their business plan won...
RebelMouse is an ingenious idea that allows users to be able to manage all of their social activity in one spot. In essence, this provides one simple homepage for everything that embodies a person’s social life. Users are able to curate information, view tweets, examine real-time Facebook posts and enjoy every aspect of the social networking world from one platform. The arrangement is so amazing, but it had to start somewhere. The idea behind RebelMouse started with Huffington Post’s former CTO Paul Berry. RebelMouse was launched in June 2012 and it allows its users to extract their content from across...
The game Forced is a popular RPG game with some tactical elements for up to 4 players. There you are a slave, who is forced to fight for his freedom or die. The game is available on Steam Store and has been a very popular app there. This makes it also a very successful business, and this business has a really cool story. Forced History The game was developed by a group of enthusiasts, passionate about gaming and computers. They found a spare classroom at the university they studied at and decided to use it for their first office. They...
The ‘ship your enemies glitter’ is one of those crazy business ideas that many people are wondering what an idiot one should be to do something like this. This is one of those ideas that are not only weird and idiotic, but they are also working! And are working so coolly and smoothly, that nobody can believe their success. When I first read about Mathew Carpenter and his site’s story, I just said to myself WTF?!?! It was built around a simple dummy idea that was turned into a successful business in a matter of days… Ok, so here is...
One day I was at the playground near our home with my little boy. So we headed towards there and when the toys appeared on the horizon I saw the flames in my son’s eyes. He couldn’t even wait till we got there. He rushed towards the playground and started jumping, climbing, sliding, and running all around the place. He was like a little toy with a pair of brand-new and fresh batteries installed. I said to myself ‘Wow..! This kid is running like crazy…’ And obviously, most of the kids there had the same attitude and behavior. We all...
Have you thought about utilizing the energy you burn while running and using it for producing an electricity for example? Well, the guys from Tremont Electric, a small startup in Cleveland, not only have thought about this, they have made it real. Their innovative product is called nPower PEG (PEG – personal electric generator) and it is a simple and highly effective generator. It captures some of the kinetic energy your body produces and transforms it into electricity. So, if your mobile phone is low on battery, you can have a walk in the park to recharge it. Or you...
The Confession App Everyone has sins… some have bigger, others have smaller. What else would be a greater business idea than taking advantage of this?!? Just brilliant, isn’t it? Your market would be simply all people from all around the world. Especially those that want to make a confession for their sins. This is what a small innovative company is making great business out of. It was founded by Patrick Leinen and it’s called Little i Apps . It is a small software business, they make mobile apps and one of their products provides a service helping you with the rite...
Back in 2005, Catherine Cook and her 2 years older brother Dave were spending a good time looking through their school yearbook. This was when technology was booming and this is how the idea of creating an online yearbook was born in their heads. They were just high school students, they had no business experience or knowledge. This is why they shared the idea with their older brother Geoff, who was already a successful Internet entrepreneur, and the founder of The kids managed to convince him not only to help them, but also to invest a quarter of a...
Facebook and Twitter and a few other big social sharks have been dominating the social world for many, many years now. Big sites have become a part of the everyday life of so many people, that many think it’s impossible for a new player to come to the hood. Big players have established a solid oligopoly that’s nearly unbreakable. I thought so, too, but actually, this turned out to be an illusion. Innovation has always been the greatest fear of titans in business and this is what, a brand new social network, employs to rush to the top. Ello...
Today you can see ads everywhere – on the TV, on this site, and on your way back home… Ads are literally everywhere, but I have never thought about this way of advertising – with drones. It’s simply genius. It’s definitely the type of ads that make a good impression and that are well remembered. Imagine that you are doing your work at the office and you see a strange flying thing inviting you to have a tasty lunch in the restaurant across the street. The drone comes exactly at lunchtime and inevitably grasps the attention even of the most...