Tagged: edited2022-2

How Coca-Cola Was Started – The Start-Up Story Of John Pemberton and Asa Candler

The Coca-Cola Company has been one of the world’s most recognized and beloved brands for decades now. From its beginnings in 1886, when it was created by pharmacist John Pemberton, to today where it is a global beverage giant with annual revenues of over $42+ billion (2022) – Coca-Cola has come a very long way. Its story is simply amazing and we’re going to see now how it all happened… A Brief History of Coca Cola In 1886, a Confederate veteran and pharmacist/chemist named John Stith Pemberton felt the need to make something new. He had been wounded in the...

Your New Startup – How to Ensure It’s a Success

OK, so you’ve got a new business idea and are running with it. Good for you. Focus on your goal, and you can achieve whatever you want. But it’s certainly worth heeding some advice to stay afloat early on as there are so many new businesses that do the basics wrong. What happens to those startups? They fail more often than not. Carry on reading for tips to help you land on your feet but first, let’s bring you a couple of examples of very promising businesses that have greatly and unexpectedly failed just because they did it wrong. Smart...

Daniel Kan - a picture from his LinkedIn profile

Daniel Kan Was Rejected By 30 Employers. Now He’s A Co-Founder of a $1 Billion Startup

The world of finance completely shut its doors to Daniel Kan. During his senior year in college, Dan wanted nothing more than to become a financier. They all did some decent money, right? Everybody goes to finance…  But of the 35 jobs he applied for, mainly in the lucrative finance world, he got 33 rejections. The two offers that he was left with were both not related to finance at all. One of the opportunities he received was for teaching English in Korea and the other – working for a startup. He opted for the opportunity to work with a...

Amazon was also started in a garage

5 Big High Tech Businesses Started in a Garage

Did you know that many of the biggest Internet companies today were started in a garage? These multi-billion businesses had barely anything at the beginning, the most important thing for their success turned out to be simply a great business idea. Here are the stories of some of the most popular ‘garage start ups‘: Google The founders of one of the greatest Internet companies – Sergey Brin and Larry Page started the business in a small garage in California. They paid $1 700 monthly for the rent and spent there around 5 months. During that time, they actually created the...

Mark Pinkus founder of the company.

Top 10 Characteristics Of Good Leaders

Being a good leader is really something tough but it’s also really something that is totally worth it. Leadership is a complex thing, and there are actually many blocks that the mindset of a successful leader is built from. It is described as a process of social influence in which one person can empower the help and support of others in reaching a certain goal or completing a task. A good leader is a person who knows how to motivate people and make them believe in what he/she believes him/herself. A good leader leads, but doesn’t dictate. Being a recognized...

The first steps to become an enrepreneur

How To become An Entrepreneur – The Very First Steps Of Becoming One

Being an entrepreneur is a mindset. To become one of them, you need just one thing – to think like an entrepreneur. But this is not that easy, and if you want to achieve it, you first need a plan and then be consistent. You have to start thinking differently than most people. You should not avoid problems, you should face them; you should not listen to people who will say that you will fail, you need to believe in your success. You will have to take risks, instead of avoiding such… These and many other states of mind are...

A picture by Mark Hirschey on

How Warren Buffett Makes So Much Money

Warren Buffet is one of the richest people on Earth (currently the 3rd) with a net worth of $73 billion. He has made a tremendous amount of money in his life. How much do you earn per year? How much do you work for your income? Do you like what you do? If you are not happy with your job and income, here is a simple way you can change this in your favor. I will show you how the greatest investor of our time makes billions of dollars every single year. After you read the following lines, you will...

The performance of Voya Corporate Leaders Thrust series B compared to major US stock indexes, since 1970.

This Fund Has Kept The Same Shares For The Last 80 Years And Has Totally Beaten The Markets Since Then

Investing is a boring job… You will be amazed about how true these words of Warren Buffett are. Still don’t believe it? Here is the proof, the managers of the Voya Corporate Leaders Thrust haven’t bought any different stocks in their entire life, than those that were selected when the fund was founded. Even more, this fund hasn’t changed its portfolio for the last 80 years. The year 1935 was when the positions of the fund were opened and since then, nothing has changed with them, except their sizes. The thrust has shown really amazing results that have beaten all...

When Was Gold First Discovered? Interesting Facts About The Precious Metal

While it is highly incomprehensible why certain fictional creatures are so obsessed with golden treasures, very few can doubt its appeal to humans. Throughout history, it is seen as a sign of power and economic status. “Royals” and aristocrats of the ancient world dictated the market trends by using gold as a medium of currency for exchange and to store wealth. It is difficult to ascertain when exactly did humans start using it but evidence of mining can be traced as far back as 4700 B.C. Although most people would associate it only with coinage and jewelry, its chemical, electrical...

A banknote of 20 GBP

Which Is The Oldest Currency In The World

The British Pound The British Pound also called ‘pound’, ‘sterling’, or ‘pound sterling’ is the official currency for all payments in the United Kingdom and a few other territories. Its international abbreviation is “GBP”, which comes from Great British Pound and its currency sign is (£). The symbol derives from the Latin word “libra”, which meaning is “pound”. One pound is equal to 100 pence ( p ) since the “decimalization” in 1971. The pound is part of the sterling zone, which also includes the Isle of Man, Jersey, and Guernsey, and is made up of £1, £2, £5, £10,...